I share the text of my comments from today’s Madison County - TopicsExpress


I share the text of my comments from today’s Madison County Republican Men’s Breakfast – the 352nd consecutive monthly meeting. I hope everyone enjoys a Happy Easter and spends time with family and friends - for He has Risen! Semper Fi - Bill ************************************************* In 2010, I answered a call to expand my role in public service from that of the Madison City Council to our State Legislature. This was a big step for me but I put my faith in God and you – the voters – put your faith in me. Now, four years later I maintain my faith in God and I ask for your continued support and vote in having faith in me to continue the work before us. So, what have we accomplished in the last 4 yours? The list is long… Legislation supporting Ethics Reform, Pro-Life, Pro- Gun, Pro Business, Streamlining State Government, Road Funding and four straight years of Balanced Budgets to name just a few. But, in the short time I have left to speak with you today I want to focus on two concrete examples of progress we have made – roads and Remington! Roads – we are no longer talking about building roads in North Alabama – we are actually building them! Old Madison Pike at Slaughter Road – and – the interchange at County Line Road and I-565 are key examples of road projects that have lingered for years. They are on track now – we are moving dirt – these roads will positively impact our quality of life and our economy when complete. Remington – this is one of the most significant economic developments in recent years. How did I help make this happen? Supporting legislation that defined Alabama as a pro-2nd Amendment state and supporting pro-business legislation – this lead to an environment for a 100 year old company to leave an anti-2nd Amendment and anti-business state, coming to Huntsville Alabama, bringing 2000 jobs with it! Again, I have faith in what we are doing – I’m part of a team that is making a difference in our community and our state. I ask for your vote on June 3rd and continued support as I represent you locally, and in Montgomery. Oh, and when you vote please remember to turn your ballot over as there are some great people willing to serve on our Madison County executive committee. Thank you for having me here today. I hope you enjoy a Happy Easter with family and friends and may God continue to bless us each and everyone. Semper Fi
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 15:47:03 +0000

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