I share this, not in an attempt to help Hal pat me on the back, - TopicsExpress


I share this, not in an attempt to help Hal pat me on the back, but because I was moved so deeply by his heartfelt words. I share this to remind each of us of the importance of renewing relationships while we still have time on this earth to do it. Also, part of what Hal shared about my rough edges being removed is confirmation of a prophetic word I received in Canada in October. A word to my former minister and one of the best friends I ever had. I had the pleasure to spend about 5 hours with my old friend, and former pastor, Manning Strickland, on Thursday, June 26. It had been more than 17 years since we had spoken to one another or heard from one another. I want to share this because I feel the need to say what a genuine human being this man is. I have spent this evening, Friday, June 27, listening to his Transparency series. Folks of Legacy Outreach, believe me, you have the real deal as your pastor, as your shepherd. I met Manning in 1976. We were very young bucks. I was a pup of 26 years old, Manning was probably around 20. But let me tell you, when the Lord placed us together as a team to go out and sing, and allow him to share the word of God, it was a trip. Sure, we were young, we were foolish, but we were on fire for Jesus. Since those days, I still haven’t heard a preacher that could deliver a message that was practical and very applicable in my life, on a daily basis. Manning and I have ministered together, laughed together, cried together, and we’ve also hurt together. There is not a pastor I’ve ever had the pleasure to hear and know, who has more compassion for his fellow man/woman, than anyone I’ve ever met. His love is genuine, his words are true and his heart is pure. In spite of all that, we were “thrown out” of a few traditional churches during our times, trying to be obedient upon our spiritual births. One thing that I’ll be looking for when I do get to heaven is that little old Toyota, jam packed with a bass guitar, amps, microphones, as we headed out to do our duty. I can see that little brown automobile sitting there on the streets of gold. Ask Manning about some of those times st North Greenville Junior College. As Archie Bunker and Edith used to sing, Those Were the Days. Manning and I have been through the good, the bad and the ugly. When we got back together via Facebook not too long ago, I was concerned about this “transparency” thing, but didn’t realize it. I was wondering if he was coming up to kick my butt, or to continue our relationship and strengthen out bond, that our Savior had sealed nearly 40 years ago. It was foolish of me to think that such were possible, because the moment we got back together, I knew we had the same bond that was there, even though it had not been shared in over 17 years. I say all that to say this. Manning Strickland is a gift to the people who will listen to him. I thank God that He has allowed us to reunite once again after all these years. Yes, he’s lost some of the rough edges that I really enjoyed, but all in all, Manning, to me this day, is not just a friend, and someone I know that genuinely has love for his congregation, and his friends, but the love of Jesus, shines through in Manning’s words, deeds, and his love for the people. I want to take this opportunity to thank him for his friendship, his love, and his transparency. I look forward to visiting soon, and being able to share some of the love back that has been given to me. God Bless Manning Strickland, and his wife Ann. And God Bless Legacy Outreach. I love you, my brother. In Him, Hal Trammell Fallston, NC
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 01:15:39 +0000

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