I shared a FB article titled why being a mom is enough. When I - TopicsExpress


I shared a FB article titled why being a mom is enough. When I first read it I was very thankful as there were many things that I could relate to thus the reason why I shared it. When I read something and it resonates with me then my brain starts going and I find myself with paper and pen writing things down. Five years ago if you had asked me about having children/being a mother I would have laughed in your face had another glass of wine or a shot and said I have a life and Im not giving that up. Fast forward five years...you know that saying never say never well I have eaten my words way to many times! Now I find myself trying to maintain a precarious balancing act of single mom, business owner, bartender etc.. I know I am not the first woman to experience this as there are many who have found themselves in situations very similar situations. However for me personally I deal with guilt that I am focusing to much on work and not enough on my daughter or I checked out to early and the business is getting put on the back burner because Im going to spend my time with my daughter running errands to ensure there is food in fridge and clean laundry or what about the fact of yes I want to be selfish and just want me time. If you had asked me five years ago what I wanted out of life my answer would have been career, party, shopping...me me me. If you where to ask me today what I want out of life then the answer is simple and I would tell you without hesitation that I want to be the Proverbs 31 woman and here is why. Verse 16: she considers a field and buys it; from her profits she plants a vineyard. So guess what I can be a woman of God own a business and still take care of my family without guilt why because verse 27 & 28 say she watches over the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed. So to me ladies that means that we can have the best of both worlds! Now Im not going to get on a soap box and burn my bra. There are many women who want/can be stay at home moms and God bless them for doing that! But for those moms out there that juggle career and motherhood by themselves or even with a partner dont feel guilt about the juggling act. You can do it. You will figure it out. You are doing great and most of all remember you are not alone. We all deal with this on a daily basis. So to all the moms out there who went before and those that are to come I recommend reading Proverbs 31 because there is so much more from that chapter that can provide you with guidance wisdom and give you the strength to carry on!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 05:51:02 +0000

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