I shared this message with your Diamond leaders earlier, and they - TopicsExpress


I shared this message with your Diamond leaders earlier, and they asked that I shared it with all of you generally: As I hear rumors of more companies attempting to get on the essential oil “bandwagon” because they see our strength and growth, I smile. Several MLMs currently have oils and several others are formulating “big” plans to have oils. I’d like to say thank you to all of these companies for paying us such a high compliment, after all, imitation is the highest form of flattery. As we all know, companies come and go; companies driven by profit and “band-wagoning” come and go even faster. Why is that? They have no story; no depth of purpose or connection to the greater “why.” I often tell my marketing team to remember that a good brand is a good story. Young Living is not only the brand of a company, it’s ALSO the living and vibrant story of the ENTIRE essential oils industry. Young Living IS essential oils. We started it, we’ve cultivated it, we’ve brought it to the world, and we’ll continue dominating as the “World Leader in Essential Oils” (a trademark we own, by the way). You and your teams will hear of companies attempting to recruit your people because of supposedly fancier compensation plans, catchy marketing slogans and other “tried and true” gimmicks used to capture the eye in the moment—just enough to extract money and time-- and leave you where you were initially once the initial “new shiny object” emotion washes away. The list is, unfortunately, endless of companies trying to get a “piece” of the action in the essential oils space. We are unique in that we ARE the essential oils brand. We HAVE the guru/maverick/explorer/distiller/farmer/leader of the entire global industry. We HAVE the farms. We HAVE Seed to Seal. We HAVE the chemists and labs. And we HAVE the greatest field leaders on earth spreading this message. Hold true to what you know deep down inside. Companies will come and go; gimmicks will catch the eye for a moment. Remember we’re part of something more: a movement. As we all understand, leaders of movements are the focal point of the worst attacks from “competitors.” The more we’re attacked, and the more Gary is attacked, the more we know we’re doing well! They attack because they are envious of our position as the World Leader in Essential Oils. The day the attacks and attempted competition in our space stops happening, is the day we’re no longer relevant. I tip my hat to Gary for holding true to the principles that have brought us this far, and I take my hat of to all of you for standing strong on the foundation of research, farming, distillation, science, quality, adventure, and exploration that makes us the envy of the world. Remember, it takes a special person to do what Albert Einstein so famously stated: “Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.” Gary will continue being the courageous voice for essential oils that hes always been, and nothing will stop Gary or any of us from shouting about essential oils from the mountain tops! I remember hearing somewhere that God chooses people to do great things who are willing ACT. Gary may be a poor farm boy from Idaho, but he is a man of action, and, thus, I firmly believe, chosen to lead the movement in bringing the healing powers of essential oils to the world. #StrengthAndHonor (a quote from my favorite movie, Gladiator!) ~ Jared Turner
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 19:09:29 +0000

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