I shared this on my Molly Galbraith (Business Page) today and it - TopicsExpress


I shared this on my Molly Galbraith (Business Page) today and it seemed to resonate with a lot of people, so I thought Id share it here, too. ********************************************************************************************** CONFESSION TIME: People have been upsetting me pretty easily the last few days. Like, a lot. Ive been finding them to be rude and insensitive and its been hurting my feelings quite a bit. Its not been fun. So today I decided to do something about it. Am I sitting down and having a talk with them about hurting my feelings? Nope. Not yet. First, I am stepping back and taking a look at MYSELF. Why have I been feeling super sensitive lately? Why have I been taking everything personally? Whats going on in my life that is making me feel like their actions have *anything* to do with me? Why am I feeling like I am the center of their Universe? (News Flash: Im not!) Are they truly being rude and insensitive? Or am I being overly sensitive and touchy and defensive? Are they just doing what they always do? Most likely. Most likely whats going on is that I am perceiving their actions differently than normal because I am feeling vulnerable/sensitive/etc. Remember, no one can make you feel a certain way without your permission. My conclusion thus far has mostly been thats Im the problem, not them. ME. And you know why thats awesome? Because I can control me. I cannot control them. Now that I have more clarity about the situation, if I truly feel like theyve done something that I didnt appreciate, I can have a discussion about it with them, but it wont come from a place of pain and attack (which will just make them defensive). It will come from a place of understanding and wanting them to have awareness of the consequences of their actions. It will come from a place of love and peace and truth. Imagine if all conversations that we had with those we care about came from a place of love and peace and truth? Can you step back and really examine why youre reacting a certain way to someone or something? Ill confess that its not easy, but its so worth it. #Mindset #Perspective #PersonalResponsibility
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 00:19:17 +0000

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