I shared two pooch related connections to a beautiful young lady - TopicsExpress


I shared two pooch related connections to a beautiful young lady who was lost in a tragic car accident a year ago today. Casey will always be missed, always be loved, and always be honored by those who were so blessed to have encountered her throughout her remarkable albeit short time among us. The main reason why this special young lady was so precious, and so memorable was because she was part of a wonderful family with perfectly beautiful hearts. I have many sweet encounters; brief encounters that touch my soul of Casey and her life. And she was very pinnacle in the fact that two very special dogs had touched me, and continue to touch me, but all the tributes Ive read, and loved, and smiled over, or cried over for the past several days as the anniversary of the loss of Caseys life had inspired moves me to try to summarize her uniqueness and true soul in one last memory for today. September 11, 2001. America was under attack. We all watched in horror on TV; if we were lucky, or ran in terror from the nightmare unfolding all around if we werent so fortunate to be a safe distance away from the carnage. I was at work, and watching the incredible terror unfolding over a small black a white TV wed jimmy-rigged in the office. Its a fear and heartbreak we can all easily recall, and feel as if its still unfolding before our eyes in real-time if were old enough to recall it first-hand. We were all shaken by this infamous day; but some, more so than others. My friend Moira Cordova grew up in Brooklyn, and had watched the World Trade Center rise during its construction from her homes windows. Though everyone was stunned/saddened/angry/frightened by what unfolded before our eyes that day, Moira was both saddened and pissed. And felt helpless. Moira is one of the strongest women Ive ever known, and she felt very compelled to do something; anything, to show her support and help the community shed once called home, and to support those most tragically impacted that day. Moira came to work, expressed her concerns and what was in her heart, and she started thinking aloud about some way to help and show support. Next thing I knew, Moira was organizing a bucket drive to raise money to help the victims of the attack, and asking for our mother-ship to endorse it. I called the office (we are a Burger King franchisee who at the time, boasted maybe 14 stores.) explained what Moira wanted, asked for the companys blessing and the ability to have our Burger King logo on collection buckets while volunteers manned Carbondales intersections in search of donations. The office granted permission. Moira organized volunteer employees and family members to man Carbondales intersections and collect money in buckets the same volunteers decorated and prepared on their own time. And a few days after America was briefly brought to her knees, a small army hit Carbondales streets to raise awareness, support, and money: to help the helpless feel more involved in our countrys resolve and pride, and to ease that haunting feeling of powerlessness. There were Burger King employees on their own time; and members of their families, and friends on the streets that Saturday, and Carbondaleans as well as passers-by who eagerly stopped, and generously donated to the cause, and showed their support to try to help heal our terrorized country of ours. Moiras vision, and ideas, and commitment, and heart helped fuel this mission, and that one day; and one city united helped raise over $5000.00. One of the cutest little bucket holders that day was a little red-haired and blue eyed munchkin so hard to resist to many who saw her raise a bucket to collect their donation, that day. And that was Casey Cordova. Casey, Tabitha, Eddie, Nick and Andrew were all out there hoping to make a difference; as were other members of the Cordova/Kane family. And employees of the Carbondale store. And they truly made a difference. Today has truly been bittersweet. Many, MANY people have marked the sad anniversary of the day that a tragic car accident stole a very special young lady from us here on Earth. Casey will always be remembered, and loved, and missed, and her loss; grieved. She was a truly special, unique, loving, committed, and yes, enjoyably bold young lady. A beautiful and nearly perfect mirror image of her mother. Though everyone is a person all their own and makes their own choices throughout their lives, when they reflect a parents compassion, soul, love and determination, thats something that should really be applauded. I have many, MANY beautiful memories of a stunning little girl/young lady that we physically lost a year ago today. The reason Casey was Casey, and so unique, and so giving, and loving, and beautiful was in part, because of a truly special and strong woman who not only gave her life, but raised Casey to be as beautiful and compassionate as she was. Moira, you truly are the strongest person I know. Even though you might not think so at times, you really are. Each of your children are wonderful reflections of your strength, compassion, and love. And youve got one very beautiful and special angel very proud of her mom. I love you. Always will.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 03:30:35 +0000

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