I should start a little skincare advice business... I have loads - TopicsExpress


I should start a little skincare advice business... I have loads of little tips and tricks Ive picked up over the years (from homeopathy websites, from carers, from nurses, from my mother, from a lovely shop assistant in Holland and Barretts, and from an article in Cosmo magazine titled 101 natural cures. Some examples? *For a really great body scrub that will smooth, soften, and aid healing for any dry skin, spots, sunburn, blisters (in my case), or examea, mix sugar, a little salt, a little cocoa powder, and some instant coffee grains. To use, simply apply a handful at a time, mixing the powder in your hand with some water, and massage into your skin, paying particular attention to areas such as elbows and knees. This method of exfoliating is also excellent for eliminating ingrown hairs, and prepping the skin for shaving or waxing. *Buy an aloe vera plant. Aloe vera is an excellent treatment for everything anywhere on your body- and I mean anywhere, from face to feet! Its very good for sunburn, dry skin, healing acne, healing burns, healing blisters, ingrown hairs, shaving rash, and a million more ailments. To use, simply cut off a piece of the plant, the size of the cutting depending on the area its being applied, and cut the plant open- the juice inside should then be gently rubbed into the skin of the affected area. *A brilliant natural cleanser is milk (dairy or soya). You can also mix it with some lemon juice, making the concoction a two in one cleanser and toner! *as just stated, lemon juice makes and excellent toner- it tightens pores and heals sores, as well as eliminating oil. *A great healing treatment for spots is salt, manuka honey, lemon and/or mandarin juice, and a very little tea tree oil all mixed into a small amount of boiling water, then left to cool, before being wiped over the skin (avoiding eye area) using cotton wool. *For a free face mask that works on all skin types mix cocoa powder, instant coffee grains, plain natural yogurt (dairy or soya), lemon juice, manuka honey, and if you have dry skin, a little virgin olive oil, all mixed together and then kept in the fridge for a few hours before use. Apply using cotton wool or finger tips, leave until the mixture has dried off, and then remove using hot water and a flannel, For a super skin treatment you can apply this mask and leave it to dry before using the homemade exfoliator over it, mixed with water. The exfoliator will remove the mask and smooth and brighten the skin. *Another face mask can be made at home, and is better for dryer skin types. To make this mask you must first put some plain, pure porridge oats in a very little boiling water for a few minutes. Mash up a few bananas. drain the water from the oats, and mix them with the banana. Add some manuka honey, and if your skin is especially dry, some virgin olive oil. You can add lemon juice and/or salt if you wish to soften your skin, but to also tone it. *For a free, at home hair mask, pour virgin olive oil on wet hair, massge in, and after five minutes shampoo out and then condition as normal. *For an extra boost of moisture on your skin, you can use plain porridge oats. To do this, find a (clean, unused!) dish cloth. Pour a handful of oats into the middle of your cloth and then turn the cloth into a bundle, holding/sealing it together either by tying the ends of the cloth together or bunching them up with a hair bobble. This bundle can be dropped into bath water, and left there to soften you skin all over, or can be used in the shower by wetting it and being rubbed over the areas of your body that have dry skin. *Another good natural skin treatment for healing and protection, mix pineapple juice, lemon juice, tee tree oil, and a little salt together and apply to the skin using cotton wool. *To treat a stuffy nose, a chesty cough, and to open and cleanse your pores all together, use this ages old trick! Find a plastic bowl that is slightly bigger than your face. boil the kettle. Add a few drops of each of/or any of these essential oils; tee tree, lavender, chamomile, eucalyptus, olbus oil. Then pour the water from your just boiled kettle into the bowel, over the oils. With your hair kept back off your face, lean over the bowel (at a SAFE DISTANCE, WITHOUT STICKING YOUR NOSE OR CHIN INTO THE WATER) with a towel over your head to keep the steam contained around your skin. *And finally, a treatment for spots and blackheads of any kind! I have one word: TOOTHPASTE. Yes, you read right, toothpaste. After cleansing and moisturising your skin, apply some toothpaste to the affected area. If you are having a bad breakout, then apply to your entire face. A Warning: You will look silly. You will be whiter than Casper the ghost! You might want to keep your hair away from your face, and the toothpaste... and only use this treatment if youre going to wash your face and hair in the morning before seeing anybody ;). So there you have it! Amy-claires tips and tricks for lovely skin and hair >
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 21:33:30 +0000

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