I sincerely hope the Caldwell County Republican Executive - TopicsExpress


I sincerely hope the Caldwell County Republican Executive Committee chooses to hold the nomination process of Edgar Starnes successor in an open session and not behind closed doors as stated at their meeting Tuesday night. There are many reasons for this like not alienating the members of the Republican party in the county and transparency. The biggest reason is accountability. If any of our elected officials went to Raleigh or Washington and held closed door votes on anything much less nominations of offices we would be in outrage. Each member of the Executive Committee holds a position that republicans in Caldwell County gave them by electing them to that committee. You are accountable to us, your fellow Republicans. It doesnt matter how many people actually voted at the precinct or county convention. By order of the state organization plan, you were elected to represent the fellow republicans of your precinct and county. Even if by only 1 vote. You see, in an election you dont go by how many people didnt vote, you go by the votes that were received. If only 25% of the people vote in a Senate race, the elected Senator represents 100% of the people not just the ones that voted. This decision will affect my future and that of my children and it is not morally acceptable to make this decision in hiding. This should not be a contest about who has more friends, more money, or behind the scene deals. Each member on that committee should be willing and ready to account to their fellow Republicans about the person they are voting for and why they think that person should get the opportunity to be a part of the General Assembly. If you are not willing or able to do that, then you should NOT take part in the process. As a committee, you have been given a great trust. Do the right thing!!!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 06:15:42 +0000

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