I sit and ponder. I envision a solid white bird with a single - TopicsExpress


I sit and ponder. I envision a solid white bird with a single blue feather. There on its wing one single blue feather deeply woven into the white bird. Does the bird ever wonder why only one blue feather? Does he ever ask, Why must I have this one odd feather? Why am I different from the other white birds? In life we form morals, values, beliefs, and opinions largely in part to our teachings as children and how we were raised...but what causes some of us to be so radically different to those in which we came from? Those who imbedded our core thoughts into our head...how do we become so different? In realizing our differences, do we embrace them and embark on a journey in which no one before us has traveled or do we simply remold ourselves into what we know? Have we lost ourselves and that be the reason we do not see the horizon in the same light as the others or have we found our true self? Were do you turn when you choose the road that isnt yet a road? Where do you start to make your path? Is it wrong? Is it right? It is neither wrong or right...it is in the eyes of the beholder. There is a certain beauty in finding a new path, and realizing that you werent made simply in line with the same pattern as others surrounding you. In history there are stories of great Pioneers who searched for a new world to discover. Although they searched for land to stake claim to. A physical mass of Earth to investigate and claim for their own. Their path had to begin somewhere. Inside those great men and women of history was a curious spirit. A need for groundbreaking discovery. How does that differ from the white bird with his one blue feather? How does it differ from the one who sees no resemblance to those who imbedded core life skills and knowledge in them. When you look to find where you come from and only ask how did I ever belong... How did I come from something so different than what I feel inside me as truth? Why do my inner truths not match theirs? How is this possible? How can two carry the same DNA and be so polar opposite? Have I lost who I was or found who it is that I am? Do we ever find security in our blue feather? Comfort? Do you ever truely make peace with it? Do others ever accept it? I dont know where it comes from...or why...I dont understand the purpose in finding your blue feather. It only makes you more inquisitive of your core being. It only makes you wonder why...Why should one indeed feel ostracized for their differences? I keep coming back to that blue feather...is it right? Or is it wrong? To only have but one..why one? Are there more? Why there are...in that moment the eyes do truely see. I am merely a blue bird with a few white feathers. I must soar to show my change..I must twist and turn with the wind and spread my gorgeous wings the span of the sky and...Soar. Just soat throughout the crisp autumn air. Can you see them now? Can you see these blue feathers Ive tried so hard to hide? Can you see these differences in me that I have forever kept molded to the mere expectations of the other...older white birds. The bird and I are Pioneers! We chose to be the blue bird in a flock of white birds. We chose to embrace differences and encourage self-worth! 1 blue feather may reveal more...but who are we to know if we dont seek to find them? How will we ever know how beautiful we would be as bluebirds? Conformity...ostracized the Bluebird because you can never truely hide your true colors. But once he embraced his true self he was more beautiful than any of the other conformist. He was true. Choose not to be ostracized because of your differences. Choose to be real. Unpainted! Live! Unmask yourself! The root of all unhappiness is denying who you are...hiding from it...burying it...ACCEPT YOU FOR YOU! BE WHO YOU ARE! Comformists have their own heavy cross to bear. They will themselves have to one day fight to understand why they could never truely love and be free. The answer is because you couldnt first love yourself enough to be free...
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 06:39:48 +0000

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