I sit in front of a blank sheet of paper, and think what to write - TopicsExpress


I sit in front of a blank sheet of paper, and think what to write about the latest Superman movie. What do you write about a character you’ve grown up with? My mom was fed up with me tying bed sheets around my neck and running around the house while I was a kid. My sister was fed up with me doing the same while influencing her impressionable young sons and running around HER home. I think the first Christmas gift I bought my Brother’s son was a Black T shirt with the “S” shield. I gladly wore spectacles in the second standard, hoping I looked a little like Clark Kent. I remember watching the Christopher Reeve movie as a wide eyed kid – That movie set the standard for a whole generation of Superman fans. Over the years, DC just couldn’t get its act together to bring out another S movie. Marvel, on the other hand, with its Spiderman and X men series, went from strength to strength capping its impressive cap with the Iron man and Avengers movie. On the other hand, DC did a decent enough job with the first installment of the Batman movie; and really BLEW the field wide open with the DARK KNIGHT movie. “Superman Returns” gave us a glimmer of hope which was extinguished just as quickly when I realized whatever you caught in the trailers and promos was ALL the movie had to offer; I mean, I went around smiling and telling everyone who would care to listen that it was a great movie; but I knew the movie was disappointing. So, when I heard they were planning a re-boot of the series, I was hoping that at least this time over, we would get a decent enough movie. Christopher Nolan’s name attached with the series was enough reason to sit up and take notice and Zack Snyder’s take on the “Watchmen” and 300 inspired confidence. They certainly didn’t disappoint. “Man of Steel” was the first movie after the 1978 version which has managed to capture the essence of the series. Henry Cavill does a great job as the Big Blue (minus the red shorts). Cavill gets the anguish of being utterly alone and unsure of what to do with his powers absolutely right; though we might have to wait till the next installment to see what he brings to the Clark Kent persona. Superman and Zod manage to cause more damage than 2 Avengers movies put together. Russel Crowe still manages to take the current crop of actors to school showing why he’s one of the best actors around. Amy Adams does a good Lois Lane though I’m still making up my mind about the non-linear narration. But, the shield definitely goes to Zack Snyder for coming up with marvelous visuals of American imagery and Kryptonian visual opulence. Snyder manages to infuse the movie with his signature style combining SFX and good story telling. On the other hand, the movie does get a little too…realistic at times though the pros far outweigh whatever cons this movie might throw up. Iron Man, Batman, Avengers…..please make way for the Big Daddy.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 17:02:08 +0000

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