I so like the plot that is building up in this drug scandal - TopicsExpress


I so like the plot that is building up in this drug scandal saga.."very painful" but interesting: Asafa and Sherone tested positive....the trainer gets to take the heat for it...Asafa and Sherone have to protect Asafa and Sherone...The trainer sends the heat back at them..."he doesnt know what else they have been taking and they are totally responsible for what they ingested"....Steven Francis counters even before anyone attacks...."Its the trainer..he has a shaded history..he is Canadian..so he must be a "Quack" (baseless rationale but interesting none the less) and as if that was not enough to protect the "good" name of MVP.."Doyle reasoning is questionable"..Asafa is a renegade and flaunts the rule of the club" (Asafa a renegade!!! But we thought he was spineless and a "Steven branded puppet!!")....Sister P comes running to the rescue..albeit rather timidly.."we need to test everybody!! even the school kids!!! major side stepping of the core issues .but: "we will support our athletes!!" And the saga continues.......Italy sympathises " we are really sorry to hear...we hope Bolt is ok" Oto Boldon fires from across the borders "they are responsible and should accept responsibility. There are alot of cheats out there!!" (well if Oto says so its must be true!! after he was running and he was quick!!! he knows what he was doing , we dont!!)..... Nesta Carter ran a blistering 100 to assure us that despite all that our sprinting is in good hands .....Bolt is silent ...very silent ..as if in shock...Blake is injured and will remained injured....and Bolt is silent...still silent this will prove whether he is legend or not...he now has to beat: USA, Britain, the world..and WADA....
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 20:00:41 +0000

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