I so much enjoyed the Altar Call Prayer line in REPAIRER OF THE - TopicsExpress


I so much enjoyed the Altar Call Prayer line in REPAIRER OF THE BREACH ministry this morning. When you rise early, seek GOD early, you receive so many nuggets from the throne that carry you through your day! Below are some thoughts the Holy Ghost ministered to me after the Call. The Word this morning was IT IS FINISHED: NO matter what we said, didnt say, Did or didnt do in the past...IT IS FINISHED! WHATEVER happened or didnt happen, IT IS FINISHED! GOD says just as JESUS hung on the cross, but hangs there no more, IT IS FINISHED! JUST as His shed blood washed away our sins, and He sees them no more, it is over, Thats a wrap, its gone, a done deal, IT IS FINISHED! Lets look at the Scripture: John 19: 30 (NIV) When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. The verse says when he had FINISHED the drink...this was speaking naturally of a natural drink, but we need to receive the Living Water that causes us to thirst no more, be troubled and fearful no more, be doubtful no more, seek the pleasures of sin no more! That divine drink, that anointing erases memories of pain and hurt, that drink heals, looses, raises, uplifts, assures, secures, causes humility, empowerment, realization of who GOD is..ushers in a depth of anointing, a tapping into a willingness to take the cup & drink, crucifying the will of the flesh. When we drink that LIVING WATER, thats when we can decree IT IS FINISHED THE last portion of the verse says He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. Jesus yielded to the will of His Father, realizing the purpose for which he came to the world and the purpose for which His earthly life was ending. The simple, yet profound act of bowing our heads, symbolizes our humility before GOD, realizing we can do nothing without Him, realizing our purpose for being here was Gods plan before we were conceived in our mothers womb. Bowing our head is a symbol of submission, it acknowledges that GOD you are greater, You have all power, and I place myself, my life, every situation in Your hands. Once we have done this, it isnt difficult to give up our ghost, our will, our desires, our wants, our imaginations, whatever it is that we stubbornly, (or even rebelliously) attempt to cling to...it is at THAT time, that moment, that the will of the flesh gives over to the will of GOD, and is ready to die, ready to say YES LORD! SO whatever was or is still lingering in your mind, heart and spirit, all the hidden residue remaining from every hurt, every ounce of memories from the past, every level and dimension of prideful thinking.... grab a huge drink of the LIVING WATER God is pouring from the throne, bow your head in submission, and allow the crucifixion of your will... IT IS FINISHED!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 11:59:45 +0000

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