I so very much enjoy Ray Boltz song, written under the anointing - TopicsExpress


I so very much enjoy Ray Boltz song, written under the anointing and direction of God Himself. One Drop of Blood. Ray Boltz is a man of whom God anointed through powerful songs that grip the heart. I hope one day to be able to go to hear him sing again. Thank God, the day of perfection will happen. Just as a thief in the night. We, who are frail and imperfect and are the ones claiming imperfection like just when I try to do good then bad is present, will be free of the gravitational pull called sin. There is no one perfect. The person who feels that they have arrived is possibly the furtherest away from the righteous that the Lord Jesus was talking about. To be righteous is to be in good standing with God. In a court of LAW, we plead the fifth amendment. In a court of GOD, we plead the blood of Jesus covering our imperfections. Hidden in the blood of the Lamb so that God does not see them. Oh Lord, thank you for that day that perfection will indeed be attainable. For those of you who are skinny, thin, fit as a fiddle because of your blessed metabolism, then it wont be one of the weights that you are constantly plagued with. For me and the knees and back and thyroid issues, I will be shouting Hallelujah in a new body, free of pain and shame and I pray that I can clamp down on a violin fret board and play to the honor and glory of God for all Im worth. Im not saying that we are free to live like the devil, think like the devil, react and act like the devil here on earth and then magically we are perfect and loving every wonderful second in Heaven. The bible doesnt teach us that. :-) In fact, a person totally unaware of the bible and the guide or map to Heaven will suddenly be out of place and not comfortable in Heaven. That inner spirit within us tells us if we are children of God. We are not to judge and Jesus warned about judging, and there are so many detriments to judging because when we judge another for something that WE deem sin, then not only are we sinning against the Word telling us not to, but we are also allowing a spirit of haughtiness and bitterness to take root. Jesus said that it is the sins of the heart, which no one can see tangibly, that take us into dark spiritual places. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. When Jesus prayed that prayer, Our Father who art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth, as it is in Heaven......He gave all the glory and honor to His father. God gave the honor to His son who did indeed give up a life of splendor to become a man child, born of a woman who was blessed to be chosen, born of HIS FATHER God, of which means that Gods son was sinless, as God can not lie nor sin. Gods son who was spirit became flesh to be a mediator between God and man. Flesh instead of spirit. Gods ONLY begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. youtu.be/9KiNtIk_m18
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 18:22:30 +0000

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