I sometimes I think whoever invented the smart phone was a - TopicsExpress


I sometimes I think whoever invented the smart phone was a perverted genius. In 6th grade every boy would have loved a gadget that allowed girls to take pictures of themselves in the bathroom in order to be posted in a public place. That, along with the degradation of societies morals, and it wont be long before every pervert gets more of what they want. Furthermore, there are now things like facebook, twitter, myspace, and google+ where folks love to share these pictures before a global audience. They have clothes on for now, but every year the styles change and the clothes get shorter. Over time short clothing and barely dressing have become the norm. If you went back in time to the early 1900s, there were officers who patrolled beaches in order to make sure that womens swim suits had enough fabric on them, and were not seen as indecent. If this post seems odd to you, take the time to ponder your sense of morality and modesty, and pair it with that of someone 50 to 100 years ago. Just because they are long gone or elderly does not mean they were wrong in their beliefs. How would smart phones and todays clothing, along with how they are used be viewed if they were around during the Civil War or 1900? The seriousness, reverence, respect, and purpose of many things are being set aside these days. It used to be that a bathroom was a private place to do private things, but now many use it to take Selfies that they post online. The female form was once viewed as something whose beauty should be preserved for their husbands eyes only, but now our culture imposes a strict set of acceptable standards on young women that they feel defines how beautiful they are, based on the amount of skin they reveal and how promiscuious they act like on a daily basis before the eyes of the masses. Modest women are now viewed as odd, sheltered, or extremely religious. Modest men are viewed as weak, sheltered, or extremely religious. The mindset of the masses is clearly off. If someone forced a young women to take a picture of herself in the bathroom, that person would be seen as evil, but if the girl chooses to take the picture there than she is just having fun, meanwhile the reality is that it simply is not modest or correct either way to take pictures of people in bathrooms (places the opposite gender is not allowed). If someone forced a mans wife to take a picture in the bathroom, they would be seen as evil as well, yet women freely take these pictures for the eyes of other men to see, ignoring the fact that someday they might marry someone, and that their form was created for that persons eyes only. We ignore what we were set aside for and we have a burning hatred for modesty now, to the point where our use of technology even reflects it. If I were to visit earth as a citizen from another world, and my family asked me to describe this place, I would say that earth is a place where people do not value each other, and where they abuse things that could be good, as they broadcast thier immorality and permiscuity across the continents.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 19:10:56 +0000

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