I sometimes wonder why it is that people doubt that the Christ is - TopicsExpress


I sometimes wonder why it is that people doubt that the Christ is present in the world today, despite all that are witnessing, and despite all which hinders the Reappearance. When one can point to a thousand examples, naming individual after individual and group after group that expresses the true spirit of the World Teacher ... sometimes all the evidence you need can be found in one young man, supported by and inspiring of his peers - whom you and I have probably never even heard of. For it has been said: Henceforth I come not solely through groups with recognized officials, through organizations rendering me what is often no more than lip-service in their assumptions of Brotherhood; I come to each and all who love me, no matter of what race, class or creed. The greatness of their need of me, the strength of their desire to see me, shall be the measure of their power to see me. The peasant in the Swiss mountains; the scientist in his laboratory; the artist dreaming of his creation; the mystic and the psychologist; the spiritualist and the musician--to these and many others I come if their intuition, their inner vision be true enough to recognize me, if there be in their hearts That which responds to the Love which eternally flows forth to them from mine. Therefore by this Power which I hold, this Power of Almighty Love, seek I to draw the hearts of men into unity with that Good, that Happiness, which is for all men the goal, no matter what name they ascribe to it, no matter under what guise and seeming it appears to them. The ways of search be manifold, but on each of these I am ready to meet my own. And through these my own will I speak, will I walk amongst men when the hour strikes; not confined to one recognized medium or vehicle, but where-ever the light of aspiration is kindled within a heart, there is my medium, there my vehicle. ~Matthew 13:10-17 ~Matthew 7:15-20
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 14:49:40 +0000

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