I spent my childhood being stared at, talked about behind my back, - TopicsExpress


I spent my childhood being stared at, talked about behind my back, made fun of, ignored, not invited, picked last, missed dances n proms, sat at lunch alone, and totally treated like i was a disease or contagious! Scars remain! It is just vitiligo. Just skin. Just different hair! My daughter is going through this now n it breaks my heart! People r mean. N whats funny, so many people will read this n say how wrong bullying is n how they cant stand people like that but the next breath they talk about somebodys shortcomings behind their back or completely ignore their coworker! Many people treat me that way all the time.... Lets just say at a place i go all the time, but for a different reason! But guess what? It doesnt help! It just triggers the out casting scars i have from childhood. You dont know what Im doing or who Im taking care of when I am not there! If I was on welfare people would complain n say i should get a job. But If I were on welfare ava would have her hearing aid i cant afford to get, I could get scarlet to where she needs to go for her foot, my kids wouldnt have cavities i cant afford to fill, or broken glasses, n they could get braces! BUT i am working the best i can right now. I know it will get easier for my kids as they get older but i have a daughter with cerebral palsy, a child with a severe learning disability and literally half deaf, and a child with adhd, and step child with adhd. I chose to put myself thru school. I chose this job n to teach my kids to work n not take the free ride. Even if i miss days i am still trying. Maybe if people were less judgmental n had open arms and warm hearts .... Their understanding and compassion would rub off on their children or their nieces or nephews and this viscous cycle of out casting would end! Just think before you sniker, or judge or exclude someone, u never know what they are going thru!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 13:21:50 +0000

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