I spent the day ruminating about what the 4th of July stands for. - TopicsExpress


I spent the day ruminating about what the 4th of July stands for. First came to mind was the gallant men who signed the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE who put their lives , families and fortunes at risk by signing it. Some lost their lives, some their fortune and their families suffered. They paid a great price for our Freedom and liberties. They gave us the Constitution our beacon of safe passage. Some believe they had Devine guidance. They made a great gift to us yet few mention it. This country excelled because of freedom: the Steam Engine, Cotton Gin, Telephone, all the to the Nuclear Fission. Yes this great nation did all of that and more. My generation answered the call to arms and save the world from tyranny. Yes the USA united fought our hearths out to preserve freedom. We came home with a can do attitude and raised families and things started going wrong with Johnsons great society. We destroyed families with the dole. We have regulated business to the point it finds it hard to compete in the world market place. We have rampant unemployment and a torturous President, who abrogates the constitution and whos policies are an attempt to destroy our liberty and freedom. Our schools are used teach about Sally and her two mothers and nothing about our great past. Yet, I am sure he will be met head on by those value their freedom. If it means taking up arms, this 87 yea old crippled veteran will stand to fight for freedom. I consider it an honor to die for the USA.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 03:43:40 +0000

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