I spent the whole day being filmed for the new What the Bleep do - TopicsExpress


I spent the whole day being filmed for the new What the Bleep do we Know--Now What? The emphasis in the new film is not just on the nature and implications of quantum physics but also the historical background on the science versus spirit and their hopeful reconciliation. My perspective was on the changing of perspective--that which happens in eras of Renaissance. In times of Renaissance, when the landscape of future history stands vast and open before us, we have a rare opportunity to put our imagination to work reinventing ourselves and our civilization. But as we move into the future, a cosmic humanism must enlighten our actions, our evolutionary jumps informed by the knowledge that we are acting on a global stage. As in Leonardo’s drawing of the universal man, we are inscribed in harmony within the square of our immediate time and place, but also contained within the circle of our infinite relations. In inspiration, meditation or ecstatic trance or as a result of long hours of study and search, we surrender to our larger nature. Then content arises from the inner world, and deeper still, from the Mind of the Maker (the level of quantum Reality). Michaelangelo imaged what happens next in a panel on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. God and Adam reach out their hands toward each other. In the tension of the separation, a contact point is bridged, energy jumps across the arc, humanity becomes inspirited. This linking is what life is about, each of us called forth and connected to the universe’s transcendent purpose. Yet for us something is missing. Though we are fast becoming creators ourselves--our engineers reversing the course of rivers, our biotechnicians designing new species of plants and animals--we seem to have lost our moral compass--the seduction of invention without responsibility. Even the angel of human creativity can breed monsters and grotesques without moral purpose to guide it. Our Time asks us to cross a bridge, stretch out hands and minds and hearts to be met by a destiny that is the world’s highest as well as our own.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 13:22:02 +0000

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