I spent three months on a grand jury last summer, and it was one - TopicsExpress


I spent three months on a grand jury last summer, and it was one of the most incredible, enlightening experiences Ive ever had. Id do it again in a heartbeat. It was a remarkably diverse group of thoughtful, respectful people from across the spectrum of Nashville — young, old, native, recent arrivals, conservative, progressive, black, white, Hispanic — all determined to do what was right and what was good. I saw those people side with prosecutors, and I saw them grill them and poke holes in their presentations. I saw them doing their own research to see how news reports about cases lined up with what we were being told. I saw them refuse to return indictments, and I saw them insist on harsher charges. I heard cases that I still follow in the press, and I know things about those cases that still havent become public and that would make a huge difference in how people view the cases. Ive heard pundits express opinions about those cases that let me know they have no clue what theyre talking about, since Ive seen the evidence and know what happened in the investigation. I dont know anything about the grand jury that heard the Ferguson case, but I cant help but wonder how our grand jury would have responded to the evidence presented. I have a pretty good idea which jurors opinions would have carried the most weight in our room for that case. Knowing those people, Im pretty confident we would have come to a decision everyone in the room could have lived with. I have no idea if the grand jury that heard the Ferguson case was as good as ours, and I dont presume to agree or disagree with them. I just wish I knew what they heard in that room, because I can almost guarantee you it wasnt what we heard out here.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 05:31:39 +0000

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