I stand here in total unbelief and puzzlement as my baby brother - TopicsExpress


I stand here in total unbelief and puzzlement as my baby brother cries. You see for the past 4 years my family, in particular my beautiful and Christlike mother, have ran a food storage open to the public. My mother has committed to driving all around town, working endless hours, in order to gather this food for people. There have been days where she has nearly collapsed from heat exhaustion, yet she keeps on providing this service. Our family has opened up our home and gave up our own privacy,space and time, to run this. Our mother has devoted so much time, effort and hard work to this. This is precious time that she misses out on many other activities that would be more enjoyable. Oh did I mention we make absolutely ZERO profit out of this, on the contrary, we end up spending money on this cause. Yet after doing all of this work,people have the nerve to come into our home, and steal from my family. They even went to length of stealing my little brothers prize lacrosse sticks that our brother Justin gave to them before he left for his mission. These were items that my younger brothers found solace and due to sentimental value, are irreplaceable. This hit my younger brother hunter particularly hard. He struggles with many issues due to our abusive upbringing, prior to meeting our eternal family. Lacrosse is his outlet in dealing with these issues in a healthy manner. I am in total disgust as these are not the first, nor do I believe they will be the last, of possessions that have been stolen. So to whoever has the frickin nerve to steal from us after our family has sacrificed and worked so hard to keep this running, i hope it was worth it. This is simply unbelievable.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 01:23:55 +0000

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