I started personal training the second I got out of college - TopicsExpress


I started personal training the second I got out of college because I never questioned what I wanted to do with my life or what my passion was. Andrea and I had a mission to change peoples lives and I believe the best way to do that is inspiring people to live their life to their fullest through exercise and proper nutrition. The rest of your life will fall into place when you are taking care of your body and mind. Running and exercise have changed my life so dramatically that it has made me the person I am today. No other event or single thing has impacted me the way that running and exercise have. Because of this, I will always be passionate about fitness and health. Having the ability to motivate people to exercise and teach them how to push their bodies and minds to limits they never knew existed is something Andrea and I have always wanted. Its so much more than just fat loss and the scale, its about LIVING your life rather than just going through the motions. When you are able to really push your body and push through the difficult times, the plateaus, the cramps, the aches... you realize your body is capable of so much more and your life has a new meaning. Andrea and I have been running Fit Body Boot Camp for just over 3 years now and through our careers in fitness we have never had the amazing opportunity to drop so many pounds, body fat, inches and medications than we have in these short 3 years with Fit Body Boot Camp! We have recently introduced these transformation challenges, predominately our 6 week transformation challenge, because we wanted to really impact people in a way that will stick. We wanted to get you FAST results because we know if you can see quick results, you are at least 3 times more likely to stick with a program. So we designed a 6 week program including meal planning, done for you nutrition, intense accountability and of course the best high intensity workouts ON THE PLANET!!! We did a test group a couple months back to see how it went, we had a pretty signifigant turnout, and I can honestly say I was blown away. In the beginning we had a lot of people concerned about not being in good enough shape or not being ready, but we assured them they could do it and to just give it 2 weeks. In our 10 years in the fitness industry I have never seen such an amazing transformation in just 6 weeks. Its not necessarily just the weight that had dropped, which I can assure you was significant, but I had people coming up to me saying things like their co workers were telling them they looked healthier after just 2 days of our program... Within the first week we had people quitting smoking. Within the first 2 everyone was saying they had insane amounts of energy and they couldnt believe the way they felt. By week 3 everyone was completely committed to our program and some people were out looking for new jeans!!! 20lbs gone in 3 weeks, 18 inches dropped, 5 pants sizes down, 6% body fat down... these are just some of the results we have gotten within the first couple weeks of our past challenges. Not only this but what I found so astonishing is the way that each of you were able to STICK to our meal plan! I had at least 10 people come up to me in just the last challenge saying they were absolutely blown away by the program we had and that they had been to countless nutritionists, tried diets, done different workouts but NOTHING has given them the results this challenge has and its something they actually ENJOY! Can you imagine? Something that you ENJOY and gets you RESULTS? I was so excited to hear this because I was a bit worried people might think we are a bit off our rocker because what we tell you on this challenge is so different than the conventional rules for dieting Which is why its so cool, because this isnt a diet, its a lifestyle which is another big reason weve gotten such amazing results! After the 6 weeks is up... everyone is continuing on because now theyve created a new lifestyle. So althought this challenge is short lived, its really putting the foundation in for you to change your life forever. To create healthy habits for the rest of your life. To learn to eat proper nutrition and follow a structred exercise program that will ultimately lead you to a better and healthier life. And the coolest part is, each challenge we learn a little bit and we are able to perfect it even more to bring you even BETTER results than the challenge before. With that being said, these challenges do require a lot from us, we are basically giving EVERY single person in the Challenge 100% accountability, which I feel is one of the most valuable parts of the program. But because of this we must limit the spots available. Our 3rd challenge is launching next Monday, September 15th and our list for the challenge has almost hit capacity. If youre a current client and want to get in on this challenge, we are asking a $25 donation with all proceeds going to Libbys Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation. If youre not a current client and you want in on this challenge and youre ready to reserve your spot and change your life, click the link below ASAP and you can get onto our list - BUT - we can only take a few more people, so if youre on the fence and not sure you want to commit to this program or ready to change your life just yet - we will give your spot to someone who is ready! Nothing gives us more satisfaction than to see you come to us and tell us how youre no longer taking that high blood pressure medication, and you fit back into your skinny jeans, and youre down 20lbs in 3 weeks - so if youre not serious about your goals dont waste our time, because I promise you if you commit to this program, Andrea and I will give you 100% of our motivation and accountability and we will do whatever it takes to ensure you get the best results possible! So if youre ready, Just click here for downtown ===> bit.ly/6Week Or here for Lake Mary====> bit.ly/LM6Week Excited for the journey ;) Kerry & Andrea P.S. We are bringing back 4:30pm in Lake Mary on Fridays :)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:22:57 +0000

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