I started to have this dream more than four years ago. I entered - TopicsExpress


I started to have this dream more than four years ago. I entered room 416 with two things in mind - Finish my BSA degree and be a CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. At first it sounded so easy, but eventually the toughest tests came along. I spent almost sleepless nights doing home works and studying for next days quizzes, hours to stare at my books- well, just to stare at it- because nothing goes in to my mind, and days thinking how to finish my materials and be ready for the war. It was one of the hardest times of my life. Indeed, it was! I finished my BSA degree with mixed emotions. I was at my happiest state because I was able to fulfill one of my promises for myself and for the people who have showed support on me. But I was troubled then, because graduation signified that the war is about to happen- board examination is approaching! I spent more than 5 months for my review and it made me realize one thing- I AM NOT YET EQUIPPED! So I took it very seriously. I followed my reviewers advice and studied everything I need. But what really made me ready for the war? I asked Gods help and provision. He answered- for He never fails! HE WAS, HE IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE MY PROVIDER, MY WISDOM AND MY LISTENER. My loved ones are His instruments. My family financially, emotionally, and psychologically supported me. They made me at my strongest when situation is at its toughest! I am very grateful to have them. They didnt complain, did not expect anything, did not ask for something in return. What they did was to be my Creators extension of provision on earth. And this memorable day happens - October 16, 2014! The day my prayers are answered, my hardwork is paid off and my dreams are becoming a reality. But I wont be this satisfied without extending my gratitude to those people who made it happen. To God, who promised me victory even before the war started. Thank You. To my family- Netz, Serlo, Enzoy, Lorene, and Lory thank you for your support. I was nothing without you. To MAMA, thank you for being the best mother in the world, for molding me to become a responsible and mannered individual. YOU MADE THE HARDEST PART ! To my ever supportive Girlfriend, Jen, thank you for being with me, for supporting me, and for loving me. We made the best fight during the toughest CPA Board exam, we may not be successful both but the promises we had should never change. I will always love you! In Gods perfect time the dreams you have will happen. It will. God Never Fails! My gratitude also extends to your family. They always support me. Thanks Tita Fen :) Edxz, I am always thankful to have known you and privileged to be one of your friends. Thank you for making us- your mom and I- both strong. To my Wesnecan mentors and Romanian Advisers- MS. Janice, Aryl, Addy, Girlie and the entire faculty I cannot mention, THANK YOU. Thank you because you made a really great part for this success. And to everyone I havent mentioned who have been part of my Road to Success Thank You. This Dreamer is now living his dreams! This CPA in the making is now a CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT! THANK YOU SO MUCH :) -AN EXCERPT from THE LIFESTORY OF JOSHUA BESA ESCARILLA -written especially by GOD
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:47:08 +0000

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