I still dont know what to think or how to feel about Sparky. He - TopicsExpress


I still dont know what to think or how to feel about Sparky. He started having small amounts of mucousy diarrhea overnight the night before last. Last night, he had a bit in teh bathroom and left bloody booty smears on the rug for good measure. He also vomited up more clear liquid overnight. Hes currently getting 8 mg of Cerenia in the AM, 50 mg of gaba in the AM and sometimes in the evening, and 10 mg of Prozac in the AM if hell take it. I started 50 mg of metronidazole today at about noon. I also dabbed a bit of DigestZen on his nose this morning--he was pretty sure I was killing him with something awful. Hes increasingly difficult to get medications into. I got his morning meds in over 2 separate attempts. They have to be hidden in a small amount of lean pupperoni (I know, less than ideal for pancreatitis, but hes not pillable). Liquid medications are a hells-no, and injectables can be done, but no more than once a day and its traumatic for him. He acts like hes hungry off and on throughout the day, but only eats a small amount of chicken then hes done. Like DONE, done. He acts nauseous afterwards. Hes even starting to get less enthusiastic about chicken, altho he at a small amount of braised pork midday. His back pain has improved. Hes doing some stairs on his own well now and is much more likely to follow me around again. This is a big improvement. Unfortunately, hes still miserable. I have to pick which medications are most important and figure out what else to feed him. I could add metoclopramide at 1.2 mg PO BID-TID before feeding him. I could add 1 mg of cyproheptadine BID. I could try to increase the amount of Cerenia. Every time I try to add another medication, I may have to give up something else. Food-wise, hes refused everything except meat, and I mean everything. No OTC canned or dry cat or dog foods, no EN, I/D, Low Res, G/D, DCO, DM, W/D, Calm... and Im sure there are others. No to baby food, mashed potatoes, rice (even beefy fancy rice). Im going to try rinsed ground beef, possibly scrambled eggs, and some bits of pork later. He is now just a hair under 13 lbs. Im looking for any input as to what to try medication-wise and food wise. On the other hand, his overall attitude and demeanor seem to be a little better than they were a few days ago, even though hes clearly feeling pukey :(
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 21:33:46 +0000

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