I still remember, the day that I was told I got to move to - TopicsExpress


I still remember, the day that I was told I got to move to Michigan. I wanted to, I wanted to leave Utah. Except everything, get away from everyone. I know it was so hard on my family. To just let me leave for seven months. I thought It would be best, best for me. To see how people are outside of Utah. Get out of the thing I like to call the “Utah Bubble.”and that I did. I thought it would be easy. I thought it would be fun. It was at first. I had all the friends I could ever want. I had guys chasing after me. I was the knew girl everyone knew. Most people liked me. It felt great I’m not gonna lie. But the first day at school I was nervous to go to lunch. Why? I didn’t really have anyone to sit with. But this really amazing girl, asked me if I wanted to sit with her. Little did I know she would turn out to be my best friend. We talked every once in while, but besides lunch we didn’t talk much. One day, that all changed. We started talking on Facebook and things. We started talking in the halls, soon we became amazing friends. I would see her when I was walking out of Language Art’s. We would always give each other hugs and stuff. We always talked. We became best friends. But one day, a guy asked me out. I wasn’t to sure about it.. After all he was my best friend. But I gave in. I loved him, but like a brother, or a best friend. Everyone warned me.. “Don’t go out with him, he’s a player.” But I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I was told that when we broke my heart people wouldn’t be there to comfort me, because they warned me. I followed my heart, not my mind. Huge mistake. He broke my heart when all went bad. People thought it would be fun to start bullying me. Well guess what? It hurt. Hurt a lot. But this girl was there for me. She helped me though it. When people called me ugly, she was there to kick there butt’s and make sure she told me I was beautiful. We became even more amazing friends. Walking to the buses and stuff together, becoming secret agents. But then I left. I left Michigan, and came back home to Utah. And now, people are giving Lily a hard time. And It made me break. The things people said to her were so harsh. Watching my friend break killed me... It broke me... And all that crap that people keep saying about her needs to stop. It’s not okay. She has gone through so much. You don’t even know. So stop. You think you know this girl but you don’t and it all needs to end now. Before someone says something and It pushes her over the edge. Stop. you may think It’s okay and funny to bully people. But it hurts. It hurts so bad. This amazing girl Lily. Doesn’t deserve any of it. So please just stop... It’s killing me watch her go through all this stuff she doesn’t and shouldn’t have to go through. Grow up. Act your age. Hang in there Lily Im here for you thick and thin.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 07:02:20 +0000

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