I still remember this day one year ago. September the 13th 2013. - TopicsExpress


I still remember this day one year ago. September the 13th 2013. After endocrinology team found that all her hormones shows low numbers they send us for MRI. Mia was kind of scared but took pokes like soldier. After about hour nurse came to us and told that her test will be run longer then planed. We wait about 2 hours. After Mia woke up we were able to see her but.... I start tell Mia we go home soon etc. for what nurse told us, you guys need talk with doctors first. They put Mia in the ER and then radiology doctor cam and took us to different room to show computer and Mias head. Her words was this is your baby head and this piece grow in her head but not suppose to be there. Its tumor. You guys will be transferred to main campus TX hospital 10th floor.. I run restroom cover my mouth and scream. First I think it will be surgery but .... I cant even think that worse day in my life will be tomorrow September 14th. After lots of blood work, cat scan, doctors doctors doctors talk next day one of Mias doctor came to our room seat in my bed and told me, you know Mia have tumor in her brain and this tumor cancerous. Your baby will b transferred to 9th floor and we need start her chemotherapy right a way. I really do not remember a lot after word cancer Everything like in horrible bad dreams. More tests, eyes exam, hearing exam, endocrinology team start work on her hormones replacement, surgery to put port inside, lumber puncture, more blood work. My life stopped, everything turn in dark. Questions questions why? Why? Why my baby? I cry day and night. Mia... My poor baby was extremely scared, she cry a lot. Start ask me questions but I do not know any answers for her. All world turn up side down. September 19 after everything was set, all ppw sign, all explanations given but at this moment I do not understood anything, nurses bring Mias first bags of chemo. My feelings??? I cried non stop, Mia cried a lot because we do not know if she will have future. In a beginning I hate everyone and everything. Trust me it was nightmare to see her pain, vomiting, pass outs, ICU, tears and you understand that you cant do anything only support her, love more, give her everything you have. With time you start to accept this life and take it one day at a time. Hours by hours. Chemo by chemo, doctors visits, pokes, port accesses, pills. Radiations by radiations, Days and nights without any rest. And lots of hope and prayers. I look back and understand everything happened for reason. Mia very brave girl, she fighter and she will never stop fight. NEVER!!! I am lucky mom to have such amazing girl in my life. Trust me Mia show to me how to be strong. One year pass, Mia kick nasty cancer a.. We on remission now. She with us, Mia enjoy every day of her life, school, swimming, gymnastic she love read, love draw, love go with me everywhere we go. But most what I love about Mia she love to help others. Mias heart full of love for others. I hope she will never lose this feelings. In our life we meet lots of people who helped us a lot in our hard time. Some still with us some already gone. Some people show us lots of support and love, some gave us lots of pain. But again I am very thankful each of you. Because you help us become stronger and stronger. You help us understand real face of real friends. We are extremely lucky parents. I am proud of Mia and will support her all my life and will protect her like mama bear. Thanks God, He show His Miracles to our girl. THANKS EVERYONE WHO PRAY FOR OUR GIRL, WHO SUPPORT US ALL THIS TIME. WE APPRECIATE FOR EVERYTHING. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 15:17:04 +0000

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