I still say they are one in the same - Middle Eastern. All the - TopicsExpress


I still say they are one in the same - Middle Eastern. All the bombing on either side of their line is strategic - the Gaza strip. Just like Muslims supposedly being responsible for 911, and yet now America is infected with Muslims, ISIS and we do nothing, and the Jewish community (with ALL of Hollywoods money) does nothing to eradicate? You would have to see that makes no sense. Less than a decade after 911, we have a Muslim president, and Hollywood (one of the largest communities of American Jews) is in total support of him? In my opinion, the Israel vs. Muslim war is a complete hoax to create a diversion from globalization ultimate control of the human race. Just like the Holocaust, millions of Jews scream about one man (Hitler) being responsible for killing so many Jews, and they scream it from the mountain tops, write books about it, praise movies portraying the Holocaust. Yet, when Mel Gibson produced Passion of the Christ accurately portraying what the Bible tells us - how hundreds of Jews were responsible for killing Jesus, the Jewish community was up in arms condemning the movie. Hmmm..... To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize ~ Voltaire Im posting a link below of Charlie Rose and his cronies speaking out against Mel Gibsons Passion of the Christ. They were really going to town trying to dissuade people from seeing his movie. https://youtube/watch?v=NTPs1kYSohg Ted Turner, media mogul CNN, Time Warner, etc., arrogantly affirmed that Christians are losers David Duke is close to the mark, but I still say they are one in the same, and the diversion is on the war they create: https://youtube/user/drdduke The Bilderberg group is an organization of political leaders and international financiers that meets secretly every spring to make global policy. There are about 110 regulars—Rockefellers, Rothschilds, bankers, heads of international corporations and high government officials from Europe and North America. Each year, a few new people are invited and, if found useful, they return to future meetings. If not, they are discarded. Decisions reached at these secret meetings affect every American and much of the world, whose actions of what many have called “the world’s shadow government.” The roots of Bilderberg go back centuries, when international money changers would secretly manipulate the economy to enrich themselves and enslave ordinary people. The Rothschilds of Britain and Europe have met secretly with other financiers for centuries, as did the Rockefellers of America. In the beginning, the Rothschilds were “Red Shields” because of the ornament on their door and the Rockefellers of Germany were “Rye Fields” because of their crops. One of the most significant such meetings took place in the spring of 1908, led by Sen. Nelson Aldrich of Rhode Island, whose family married into the Rockefeller clan, accounting for the late Gov. Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller’s given name. It was held on Jekyll Island off the Georgia coast. The late B.C. Forbes, editor of Forbes magazine, reported what transpired at this meeting of the world’s wealthy. With Aldrich were Henry Davidson, of J.P. Morgan and Co.; Frank Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank; Paul Warburg, of Kuhn Loeb and Co., and A. Piatt Andrew, assistant secretary of the treasury. They emerged from this secret meeting with a plan for “a scientific currency system for the United States.” They had the power to pressure Congress into establishing the Federal Reserve Board, a private group of bankers who meet to shape the money supply. - See more at: americanfreepress.net/?p=4431#sthash.vFO5pYOg.dpuf Hence, AGENDA 21: https://youtube/watch?v=7ykELwj1Ta8 In line with The Hunger Games, which really only serves as a snapshot into our future. Our food source is in jeopardy. Every year that goes by, we lose ground. We lose basic rights to capture rainwater, or grow our own food. Text from Agenda 21 dictates how soon, American farmers wont be able to scratch the earths surface without $200K equipment - Monsanto. Ranchers have struggled for decades raising livestock. These are the same ranchers who provide our sources of meat. Predator vs. Prey is a real issue in the ranching world. Ted Turner is responsible for reintroducing wolves into Yellowstone Park. Its sounds great when you see a video clip of a wolf and her pups re-populating. The reality is, they can put a rancher out of business very quickly, and they are putting ranchers out of business The domino affect of what happens next is, he cant pay his mortgage or bills, and cant provide for his family. What next? We lose a food source, and he loses his property to someone like Ted Turner, who says in an article entitled One Nation Under Ted (as if that isnt scary enough): THE WOLVES ARE coming, says Mike Phillips, pointing to the mountains. On the outskirts of Bozeman, Phillips is cruising down the highway toward the Flying D in a pickup. This is ground zero of the large-carnivore restoration movement. Ted Turner started the wolf movement. outsideonline/outdoor-adventure/nature/One-Nation--Under-Ted.html Harry Reid, Ted Turner, and many other globalists use tax dollar grant money (our money) for their globalist smoke screen ecology and sustainable living programs, which serve a broader picture.....to run ranchers out of business, so the land can be confiscated by the government - like we saw with Sen. Harry Reid vs. Bundy Ranch in Nevada this year. Whether its the turtle or the wolf, they underlying agenda is to land grab for their greater goal - globalization and control of the human race - America (the last frontier). “I don’t want all the land, I just want the ranch next door,” Ted bellowed from his bunker at the CNN Center in Atlanta. “That’s a joke, of course,” he yelled, but of course he wasn’t joking. Turner buys land almost compulsively because, he boomed, “we’re heading for extinction at 90 miles per hour,” because “humanity is an endangered species.” As the brochures for Turner Enterprises proclaim, Ted’s dream is to manage these vast lands “in an economically sustainable and ecologically sensitive manner while conserving native species.” Its a religious war, and its a war on money and control. Just like my argument several days ago about there being NO Judeo-Christian. If Jews and Christians are one in the same religion, then why do Jews require a person to convert to Judaism before they can marry you. Evanka Trump recently converted when she married a Jew. If we were one in the same, you wouldnt have to convert. Am I wrong? With all of these World Elites being a part of one group, and most of whom being Jewish, there should be no problems with Muslim Terrorist. Its a hoax to break America, our soldiers, our Christianity, our resources and things that make America the Norman Rockwell picture and the town of Mayberry and all things pure and wholesome recognized by the rest of the world. Its literally ALL around us. But many a war has been won at the 11th hour. Keep your faith. The Bible says greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. I work on this, myself, daily. Keep the faith. Just like the Bundy rancher, we will revolt and we will prevail. They may be the wealthy elites of this world pushing us toward globalization, but they fear us - the little people. We are a great nation, with much faith, strength, ability and tenacity. Weve got this!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 21:45:25 +0000

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