I still think that voting isnt a great system, but DD is hella - TopicsExpress


I still think that voting isnt a great system, but DD is hella better than we have now. Some thoughts: --- 1. Law is created online as a tree of conditions with leaf nodes of punishments or non-punishments. Leaves can be arrived at by a series of yes/no questions. The role of juries and judges shall be solely to determine whether the criteria have been met. 2. People either vote, abstain from voting, or negate any proposed changes. All changes may be commented on or branched. Essentially github. 3. Enforcement is done by volunteers. Training shall be provided free at the point of consumption. There shall be no classes of civilians. 4. Votes may be delegated to others or groups per topic, in total, or not at all, and may be taken back at any time. This is similar to liquid democracy. 5. All votes are recorded and are public, but identities may be hidden so long as the system prevents double-voting. People who voted on a branch are subject to paying for the appropriate amount of enforcement and incarceration costs involving that branch. People who abstain are on the hook for half, people who vote against it do not have to pay. 6. All money creation shall be handled by a predetermined, fully auditable algorithm either based on population or proof of work. It shall be issued directly via proof of work, or spent into existence for taxes. If based on population and population decreases, taxes shall be collected and some of it will be destroyed. 7. Groups may secede, split or merge jurisdictions with voters in those jurisdictions paying associated costs. 8. Jurisdictions may provide benefits solely to members based on residency, but may not deny benefits for longer than 2 years of continuous residency within the jurisdiction (not necessarily at the same address). 9. People from an area without reciprocity (foreigners) are allowed in, but require one or more sponsors who are on the hook for the costs of crimes committed by the sponsored. After 2 years, the outsiders are citizens. 10. People shall never: a. lose the right to vote b. be forced into servitude for others; remuneration plus a fine for crime shall not count. People may be imprisoned but cant be made to work for their upkeep in prison. c. be kept in a jurisdiction against their will d. be prevented from passing through a jurisdiction to another d. be required to follow the laws of their jurisdiction while outside of it e. delegate others as the sole creator of law - all law, all regulation, everything shall be voted on by everyone; there shall be no assigned bureaucrats determining regulation f. form or take part in any institutionalized police, military, legislation, or court Furthermore, people outside of a jurisdiction may be denied any benefits which are designed to accrue to residents only while within a jurisdiction These are the only non-negotiable rules. --- Advantages: 1. People can be as represented or directly involved as they want. If Im not an expert on a certain type of law and trust another to represent me, he or she can do so, but I can withdraw my consent at any time. 2. People pay for what they vote for. This could be done anonymously through bonds. For instance, if 1/3 + 1 person vote to make marijuana illegal, and 1/3 people refrain from voting, and 1/3 - 1 person votes to not make it illegal, it shall be illegal. If the enforcement costs are $50b a year, then those who voted for it pay, as a group 2/3rds of the cost, and those who abstained pay, as a group, 1/3 of the cost. Those who were the voice of reason dont pay anything (except the opportunity costs of it being illegal).
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 20:47:16 +0000

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