I stole this from Salty Dad. This small page doesnt get near the - TopicsExpress


I stole this from Salty Dad. This small page doesnt get near the traffic that his does, but the point is still valid.- Jimbama Let me draw a parallel.... Would any of you be OK with someone showing up, uninvited, at your doorstep, wanting to debate? How about 25 people, or 50, or 100? The answer is...No, you wouldnt. As a page admin, this is much like my home. I run it the way I see fit, the way that works for me. Now, think of something else....with even 10,000 people following this page, it gets exposed to about 250,000 people per week. Some people share things, sometimes Facebook shows that someone has commented....which brings people they know. Out of those 250,000 people, there are inevitably mental midgets, libtards, people that are 10-96, trolls.....and people that somehow think they have he right to debate. (Most of those debate people are too stupid to actually debate. They argue, they toss out fallacies, etc.) In any given week, I have at least 25 idiots show up on this page. In order for me to debate each of these pompous, self centered dimwits, I would have spend immense amounts of my precious time. And, my time IS precious...to my kids, to my wife, to my friends, to my clients. So, to keep my sanity, and maximize what little time I have....I simply ban people that will not fit in. Too stupid? Banned. Troll? Banned. Pompous ass? Banned. Anti gun loony? Banned. Libtard? Banned. Too sensitive? Banned. Politically correct? Banned. Racist? Banned. No one here would suffer through someone they cannot stand in their home, or out in public. They would kick them out, or walk away. I feel the same way. An unfortunate side effect to Facebook is that every asshat thinks their opinion matters.....No matter how stupid that opinion may be. Now, there are numerous people on this page that dont agree with me. Where they differ, however, is the fact that their points are intelligent, informed, and coherent. They bring a bit of balance to this page, and have always been welcome. In fact, those people are often my favorite contributors. This page isnt a free for all. The vast majority of people who want to argue arent people I would choose to associate with, or even talk to in real life. Why would I suffer through their stupidity when, with two clicks, they simply vanish? If you dont like what I post....no worries. Ignore it, or unlike the page. Hell, start your own. Youll soon see what I mean.....
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:21:57 +0000

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