I strapped states to complete my collection from around the world - TopicsExpress


I strapped states to complete my collection from around the world list is not so accurate Anyone with even one of these countries please contact details Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua Armenia Aruba Australia Azerbaijan Azores Bahamas Barbados Bermuda Biafra Bohemia & Moravia Botswana British Caribbean Territories British Guiana British Honduras British North Borneo British West Africa Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Central African States Ceylon Chad Comoros Confederate States of America Congo, Belgian Congo, Republic Cook Islands Curacao Cyprus Dahomey Danish West Indies Danzig Denmark Djibouti East Africa East Caribbean States El Salvador Equatorial African States Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Fiume French Afars & Issas French Antilles French Equatorial Africa French Guiana French India French Indochina French Oceania French Pacific Territories French Somaliland French Sudan French West Africa Gabon Gambia, The Georgia German East Africa German New Guinea German South West Africa German States Germany - Federal Republic Germany \ Democratic Republic (DDR) Gibraltar Greenland Guadeloupe Haiti Hawaii Hejaz Ireland Republic Ireland-Northern Isle Of Man Isles of France and of Bourbon Italian East Africa Italian Somaliland Italian States Ivory Coast Jamaica Katanga Kazakhstan Kosbo Keeling Cocos Islands Kiao Chau Korea Korea-South Kuwait Leeward Islands Lesotho Liechtenstein Luxembourg Macau Madagascar Malaya Malaya & British Borneo Mali Malta Martinique Mauritius Memel Moldova Monaco Montenegro Morocco Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Indies Netherlands New Guinea New Caledonia New Hebrides New Zealand Newfoundland Nigeria Norway Oceania Palestine Panama Portuguese Guinea Portuguese India Puerto Rico Qatar and Dubai Reunion Rhodesia Rhodesia & Nyasaland Rwanda Rwanda & Burundi Saar Saint Helena Saint Lucia Saint Pierre & Miquelon Saint Thomas & Prince Island Samoa San Marino Sarawak Scotland Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South West Africa Southern Rhodesia Straits Settlements Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Tahiti Taiwan Tangier Tannu Tuva Tatarstan Tibet Timor Tunisia Turks and Caicos Islands United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland Upper Senegal & Niger Vanuatu Vietnam South Wales West African States Western Samoa Yemen, Democratic Republic Of Zaire Zanzibar
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 22:18:40 +0000

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