I stumbled upon a status from a friend making fun of parents who - TopicsExpress


I stumbled upon a status from a friend making fun of parents who are flipping out about Common Core and someone commented that they dont like what theyve seen of it. I was curious what a parent thought so I asked her to elaborate and this is what she said: Why teach someone a more complex way of learning when the way we learned as children worked fine? This common core math is starting all the way in Kindergarten. I would think I could teach my kids better on how to do the math if I understood how they were learning it. Have you not seen anything unusual about the way math is being taught with CC? I mean if I understand math the way I learned, and you guys understand math the way you learned, then why change it? I am usually not one to engage in pointless online arguments but dammit, I needed to stand up for our future profession. So I came back with: Why teach someone a more complex way of learning is a shocking statement to me. Thats basically admitting you want stagnation in education. A worked for me, works for them mentality anywhere else in this world would be seen as silly. Why a smart phone when a flip phone makes phone calls too? Its the same thing with Common Core. Yes, we could force our kids to sit in rows and memorize things, because hey, you made it this far right? Or you could challenge your child to think deeper and more critically than you were tasked with so your kids can grow up to be smarter than you are now. Learning isnt supposed to be easy, and if the teacher is doing their job they are setting the goals just slightly above their comfort level because thats proven to be the best way to learn. And if you are really concerned, know that teacher evaluation will be more rigorous to weed out teachers who dont engage students in the classroom and hand out worksheets every single day with no application of their knowledge outside the classroom. Anyway, I felt like posting this just to show you what we will be up against when we get a job and parents feel like they know how to teach their kids better than us. Hopefully my the response I tapped out on my iPhone was worthy.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 04:20:08 +0000

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