I suggest Dr. Teals Epsom Salt Soaking Solution Relax & Relief - TopicsExpress


I suggest Dr. Teals Epsom Salt Soaking Solution Relax & Relief with Eucalyptus / Spearmint. This is a confirmation of my experience with it last night. It enabled me to more quickly & easily debride much more, from my own finger. Um, yeah; Ive been in the Morgellons closet for 10 years. It was from a puncture by a small cactus bulb which sat in a small jar outdoors, for at least a month; & got rain in it. Stupidly, I tried to plant it bare~handed, only because an idiot told me to. My finger presented with a green fluorescent~appearing boil. the following morning. It IS self~replicating & insidious. Its a dry condition [other than that morning] And, yes, I went to a clinic after a time, where they gave me samples of a mental management pharmaceutical... I looked it up. There were pending court cases by people who took it. Apparently, it had caused diabetic coma in non~diabetic persons. I threw the medication away, without taking any. Then, I went to a hospital, asking for a biopsy. Instead, they gave me a prescription tube of radioactive white cream, saying they could feel something there, but refused to remove it. So, that is why I have stayed home & done self~surgery for 10 years. It was grueling keeping ahead of the condition, to keep it from taking over the second finger joint. I did manage to do that, but the first, smaller joint still wont bend. I looked at the material once under a microscope. It seemed that I saw the birth of something bluish purple. But, Im not a biochemist.. I tried a black cancer salve. It nearly killed the finger, but not the condition. It did pull out 2 pink pillows which were lost down the drain. I collected some info from forums of Morgellons victims. I studied many other skin conditions which didnt match the symptoms as much. Im so sorry I quit doing that research, as some people had it much worse. Its a dirty rotten shame how stigmatized they have been. Its NOT a mental condition; although it can drive you crazy.I kept my mind, but lost some credibility with friends & family; whod say, Leave it alone,youre doing that to yourself. The problem was that it would spread & cause agonizing pain if left to grow.. Nobody else was affected physically. DONT stigmatize sufferers of this condition. We need solutions; not debates.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 21:54:07 +0000

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