I suggest all dealers of any products regardless of what ever - TopicsExpress


I suggest all dealers of any products regardless of what ever company, MLM or not stop harassing the public especially in facebook here with articles to tegakkan benang yang basah on your products. Buying power is INDEPENDENT Boicott is INDEPENDENT As long as you are not independent (selling the product) - your writing and testimonies are commercial endorsements PUBLIC as BAKAL CUSTOMERS CANNOT SEE BEYOND THAT Telan kenyataan pahit ni dan stop harassing them. The more you push it the more bakal customers you will lose No one likes a company who is a SORE LOSER. No one likes a company who talks Saya saya saya, we we we Dari customer nak beli boleh jadi menyampah tak mahu beli Just be happy with the customers that make the non commercial endorsement for you. If your product is good, you dont need to go so far sampai macam tu. What are you afraid of losing???? Orang kita (melayu) memang FAIL bab marketing dari dulu. Making endorsement when you are SELLING is the worse act to do but hari2 testimoni jenis ni sangat BERLAMBAK. Todays customers are getting more INTELLIGENT. You have to think 3-4 steps ke depan. Here are some tips and tricks. On this : What NOT to do. Don’t ever trick yourself into thinking that financial incentives or rewards – coupons, discounts, gift cards, cash – are a good idea. Ever. It may sound smart, but at the end of the day, the issue is that you get what you pay for. Nothing more, nothing less. And, the point is that endorsements are generally free, and when they’re paid, they lose credibility and ultimately their value in the first place. If it feels like you’re bribing or paying or creating monetary incentives, you’re off track. And, do yourself a favor and never use the word incentivize while you are at it. Set up some community building structure for your zealots to get organized. Create a place for your customers to openly and publicly talk about what they love and what they hate about you and your products. Let it flow, and don’t censor their commentary. Keep it real. Make it fun for them to participate in sharing their passion and evangelize your stuff. Recognize (but don’t “reward”) the most active contributors with increasing levels of status. Let these mavens feel like the experts that they are. Let them feel heroic. JUST BE HAPPY WITH THE CUSTOMERS YOU HAVE BUILD LOYALTY DARI MEREKA WALAUPUN SEJEMPUT JE Just dont sweat sampai tahap macam tu attract people. Yes. Now you know why I dont have a business. Sangat dugaan for me. I jual air liur pun orang beli....*larikkk
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 09:27:41 +0000

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