I suggest anyone who is considering getting a rabbit as a house - TopicsExpress


I suggest anyone who is considering getting a rabbit as a house pet to take three bags of chocolate chips... And just sporadically litter your carpet, furniture, closets, and behind the toilet with them.... Several times a day... Everyday. Because thats the reality of having a rabbit. Its cruel torture to let them live out their days in a cage.. Your rabbit gets bedding on the carpet... Mine chews holes in it. Your rabbit has probably only had a few baths in his lifetime... Mine hops in the shower with me every morning. Your rabbit twacks out when you let him out of the cage... Mine doesnt know boundaries. Your rabbit probably gets held once a week... Mine sleeps on my bed. Your rabbit doesnt do much... But mine does parkour (free-running) throughout my house. Its hilarious.. Look up parkour and imagine a rabbit doing it lol Your rabbit doesnt know much outside of food pellets and the occasional hay... My rabbit steals out of my salad bowl - and sneaks cat food 😜 Your rabbit craps in his bed... Mine craps in my bed. But, most importantly: Your rabbit is a novelty pet... Ours is a member of our family. There are so many ups and downs to having rabbits as pets. But, as an experienced pet owner, I can say with utmost validity that rabbits can be smarter, more loving, kind and gentle than any other pet. They just require more love and compassion. Rabbits are social creatures. Mine snuggles with my cats at night. They get depressed just like we do. They get anxiety just like we do. They get lonely, too. Imagine being born into, being raised, living your life, and dying inside of a prison cell. Essentially, thats what we do with rabbits. And its incredibly cruel. Let them explore. Let them run and stretch their legs. Let them chew on stuff and dig in your carpet once in a while. Theyre just like little kids. They need so much love 💜 I apologize if Ive offended anyone. I just see the cruelty in caging rabbits now that Ive had one as an exclusive house rabbit.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 00:01:06 +0000

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