I suggest you all do some research. The mission of the National - TopicsExpress


I suggest you all do some research. The mission of the National Autism Association is to respond to the most urgent needs of the autism community, providing real help and hope so that all affected can reach their full potential. I have been a board member of the National Autism Association and I can assure you we dont hold meetings on vaccine injury. We DO hold meetings, however, offering support, discussing therapies and interventions and safety of our children. 48% of ASD kids are wanderers. 91% of the deaths of ASD kids aged 14 and younger in 2009, 2010, 2011 were caused by drownings. NAA has programs to help stop both. Just because I personally believe there IS a link between my childs 20 month vaccinations and his regression into autism (previously had words, was happy, social), it is unfair to vilify an organization that doesnt preach this and does SO much good. Every penny donated goes to helping our kids (via grants, teaching, etc). Im sure many of you dont blink an eye when asked to donate a dollar to Autism Speaks. Have you researched this organization? Their executives make millions and a very, very small percentage of what they make goes into the community to help our kids. Lastly, Im not sure him much time any of you naysayers have spent spent reading on the NVIC or VAERS website, but Ive spent just a little. Heres some factual data for you: In 2010, in the United States: out of 308 million people, there were 27,500 reported cases of pertussis. 27 deaths. 25 of those were infants less than one-year-old. In that same year there were 59 deaths (reported to VAERS) as a result of pertussis vaccination (various combos). Looking state by state at the whooping cough epidemic will show you that a great percentage of confirmed cases of whooping cough are among the vaccinated. 90%, in fact, in Vermont in 2010. Speaking of epidemics... 1:68 children (based upon children born in 2010 and based upon 11 states data). Although not truly up to date.....that means over 1 million children have autism. One million. 24,000 cases of whooping cough reported to the CDC in 2013. Twenty (yes, thats 20) deaths in children from whooping cough in 2012. Seems like the risk factors are pretty well illustrated for us. So, while some of us do believe the borage of insults our childrens immune systems receive does play into our childrens autism diagnosis (and often regression into), it doesnt mean NAA is anti-vaccine. In 1983, children ages birth to 6 years old received approximately 10 vaccines. In 2013, children ages birth to 6 years old receive up to 36-38 vaccines. The rate of autism in 1983 was 1 in 10,000. The rate of autism in 2013 was 1 in 68 children. I think it may be wise to investigate that relationship. WAY TO GO CHILIS!!! Telling everyone I know to go to CHILIS! - Lori Eason
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 13:25:06 +0000

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