I support Anna Hairfield in her quest to see the raw scores. - TopicsExpress


I support Anna Hairfield in her quest to see the raw scores. That is all she is asking for. She just wants to see the judges individual scores, and in the process of asking for that, she has been vilified and raked through the mud. I love many of the people involved in this ordeal. I know that Glen and Jeff are GOOD people. That is why I ask that they please look beyond past precedent and see what this woman is doing to HELP their system. Sometimes tough love is true love. For the record: I am glad Taylor won. That is not why I post this. He is my friend and will be a great title holder. I post this because of two things: 1.) I feel all systems should join EOY in making individual judges scores public. 2.) I feel all systems should join EOY in getting rid of administrative point policies because they are almost impossible to enforce objectively. Just let the competitors compete, and then give the results. Unlimited could be one of the best systems in the nation and yes it is a good system. But, being good does not mean it cant be better. This is supposed to be our states Superbowl of drag. This is supposed to be our ultimate accomplishment in the art of female impersonation. Would we be okay if the Superbowl was a little bit off Would we be okay if the Olympics made a few mistakes with organization of the scores? Would we be okay if Jeopardy got hid their grande finale results from public research? Im pretty sure the Quiz show laws wouldnt be okay with that. Why not hold our highest standard to... well... a high standard? So please stop attacking Anna Hairfield for asking for transparency. Stop using appeal to authority and appeal to precedent. Both are argumentative fallacies for a REASON. Because it comes from authority does not make it right. Because it has precedent does not make it right. Neither are a valid argument: Appeal to Authority explained: logicalfallacies.info/relevance/appeals/appeal-to-authority/ Appeal to Precedence explained: https://answers.yahoo/question/index?qid=20100423080513AAc44mQ Take a step back and look at what you are supporting. You are SUPPORTING the idea that individual judges scores should not be shown to the people who pay substantial entry fees to compete in these pageants. Think about that? Is that the side of history you want to be on? Do you truly believe in that cause? Are you on that side of history because it is politically advantageous? Are you on that side of history because you respect authority more than the truth? Remember that might does NOT equal right and politics is a game for cowards. I have never been politically correct and I never will be. It is time people start saying things you cannot say in public because the only thing worse than abetting is apathy.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 04:04:29 +0000

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