I support repeal of Georgia’s Stand Your Ground Law. My reasons - TopicsExpress


I support repeal of Georgia’s Stand Your Ground Law. My reasons are multi-facetted, however the primary reason is I am opposed to civilians killing each other simply because a law like Stand Your Ground gives them a free pass to take a life. The taking of a life should only occur as a last resort. Our military forces are restricted from taking lives unnecessarily, using only the force needed to stop hostile or aggressive actions. They are required by law to first try to de-escalate a hostile situation and are also required to first warn those demonstrating hostile actions and give them the opportunity to withdraw or cease threatening activities before employing deadly force. That is not the case when it comes to Georgia’s Stand your ground law. No warning is required. No limitation of using deadly force is contained in this law. All one has to do is claim I felt threatened so I pulled out my gun and shot him. Where is our country headed for when the laws in our homeland are less restrictive than those in combat and allow citizens to take another’s life because they felt threatened? That is not the nation I made so many personal sacrifices for nor is it the nation that many who gave much more than I died for. We served to keep people safe. Not to turn our nation into the Wild Wild West where everyone has a gun and can shoot somebody else if they felt threatened. This law does not protect the citizens of this state, it puts them in more danger from insecure, Dirty Harry wannabee’s. It has and will continue to result in needless death. I am asking from my heart that you consider we are a land of laws that are supposed to protect us, not put us in harms way. I did not serve this country for those many years to idly sit back and watch laws be enacted and put in to place that risks the lives of the very people I was trying to protect, my children, your children, my grandchildren and your grandchildren. Shouldnt our citizens be afforded the same protections and considerations as enemy combatants?
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 15:34:17 +0000

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