I support the CIA and I support whatever methods were used to - TopicsExpress


I support the CIA and I support whatever methods were used to extract actionable intel from those whose sole reason for being on this Earth is to kill Americans. Why the senate intel committee insisted on releasing this report is beyond me. No other country would do the same, none. How can our allies trust us when we release this kind of information? Do the American people have a right to know what our govt is doing on our behalf? Yes, to a certain agree. I dont believe that means exposing HOW we go about doing it. Right now there are CIA officers involved in covert operations whose identities may wind up being exposed because of this report. Our enemies operate under no such restrictions and could care less about informing their followers about how they operate. But arent we better than that and should we be an example to the rest of the world? Yeah, Putin is really impressed by our example. The only thing that impresses our enemies is our strength and resolve to use it. Fortunately, in January a new congress comes in and hopefully begins getting this country back on track. One more thing. If ONE American dies because of this reports release, Diane Feinstein and Harry Reid should be arrested, tried, and convicted for being accomplices to murder and treason.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 18:46:13 +0000

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