I suppose it’s time for me to come clean. Before I do, I want to - TopicsExpress


I suppose it’s time for me to come clean. Before I do, I want to assure fans of Jonathan Thorpe that there WILL be a third book in the series—and hopefully more. What can I say…I like the guy. Unfortunately, he has fallen victim (temporarily) to this author’s overactive imagination. I was twenty thousand words(ish) into book number three, when I realized I didnt like the direction of the story. That, in and of itself, is of little concern; I changed directions several times while writing the first two installments. Im one of those guys who despises outlines—it feels too much like homework to me—and generally has no clue how the book will end. I like surprises both as a reader and as a writer. Somewhere in the middle of those twenty thousand words, an idea for a totally unrelated plot took seed and became pretty darn evasive. When not in front of my laptop, my mind was often occupied with this other plot. And quite honestly, most of my best ideas come when Im not behind the keyboard. So, when I decided I was going to have to delete nearly half of what Id written, I decided to give this other idea a go. So far, it’s going well. “They” say that new authors shouldnt switch genres or theyll confuse their readers. Ive never really been a good listener. My favorite books are generally thrillers along the lines of Vince Flynn and Tom Clancy (2013 was a rough year for my favorite authors). Horror runs a close second, with my favorite author being Dean Koontz. The novel Im currently working on would probably be classified as “dystopian horror.” In answer to many people’s next question: dys•to•pi•a [dis-toh-pee-uh] noun a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding. Minus the “overcrowding,” the definition describes the novel’s setting fairly accurately. As of now, its titled “Afterlife Six,” and am less than fifty percent finished with the rough draft. Sorry folks, I still have a day job. So in closing, never fear, Thorpe lives. He, Al, and Trixie are merely sharpening bone, tooth, and steel for battles that lie ahead. Until then, perhaps you might consider giving horror a shot?
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 19:25:52 +0000

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