I suppose my memories of Minor Hill School were riding to school - TopicsExpress


I suppose my memories of Minor Hill School were riding to school each day in the bus sitting on the hump seat over the wheel well. That was my favorite seat. I remember our route was a long one it seemed. We went down past a milk farm each day. I remember we were on our way to the school going up the long hill up to Minor Hill school and the back wheels of the bus fell of on the drivers side and rolled down the hill. We ended up walking the rest of the way to school that day. I remember going to music class in that small wood frame house to the left of the school. I remember climbing up on the roof of the cafeteria to check on my science projects up there in the sun using the ornamental block wall at the end where they would hang mops. I remember going beneath the school and seeing all the old milk cartons that were going out in the trash bagged up. I remember playing among the oak trees on the right hand side of the school in the wooded area. I remember finding acorns that were turning into little trees there. I remember playing Baseball and being one of the last one picked at the field behind the school. Tommy Adams was one of the team captains. I was kinda scrawny then. I remember finding a bag of old clay in the wooded area behind the school and somehow splashing the water and clay mixture all over my pants and having to change them at school it was so bad. I remember someone putting a bowl of those prunes from the cafeteria in my chair at lunch time. Nice joke guys! I remember the rolls in the cafeteria,. They were the best I have ever eaten with that small pat of butter on top. I remember one the guys having a photo of a girl in a bikini in his wallet and showing it around. That was a big deal to a 6th grader!! I remember having to take our chairs out into the gravel area beside our classroom and having to use comet at the end of the school year and scrub our chairs for the next year, I remember playing on the wooden multi-game board we had at school. the one with Parcheesi, a pool game, chess, etc. I remember standing on a concrete block and singing in the gym with Glenda Glover and Kelly Dean Taylor (sorry Kelly I did have a 6th grader crush on you back then but you were so much taller than me back then, lol) We sang a couple of songs. a Christmas song called Gloria and Nothings lonely as a creaking saddle Nothing is lonely as creaking saddle, nothing is as empty as a desert sky, nothing wider than the plains around me, where the wind is blowing by, Youll only hear the sound of your saddle when you are lonely too, when your trails empty youll here it gently singing a song to you! I remember our art work on the walls of the gym. Its been many years but they are all fond memories to me, OK maybe not the prunes! LOL
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 23:39:28 +0000

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