I swear...I cant stand racism!!! Especially when I see it from - TopicsExpress


I swear...I cant stand racism!!! Especially when I see it from those who are suppose to be Christians!!! The Bible tells me for ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God! Now where in there does it say, blacks have sinned, Mexicans have sinned, Asians, red, green, purple or so forth...but it says ALL...so that includes WHITE people also!!! When someone is doing wrong, were not suppose to make it about skin color...but about the sinner!!! Its not just a thug thats doing wrong...I can almost guarantee some have a completely different point of view of wrong doings from the so called thug or gangster as they would a group of blue collared white guys from Wall Street. Wrong is wrong!!! I dont understand how you can be a Christian and point a finger at skin color if you see someone doing wrong...instead, you need to focus on the sin & pray for that sinner!!!! The Bible also tells me, For God so loved the WORLD, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER shall believeth in Him, shall be SAVED! No where does it say, if your white, Jesus died for you...but not if your any other color!!!!! Jesus himself wasnt even white!!! It says the WORLD!!! If you cant look past the skin color to see the sin...then your in trouble!!! I guarantee you probably wont like Heaven, cause theres gonna be people from EVERY race in Heaven...oh, but wait, I forgot, those people were never thugs, right??? So do they not deserve to be prayed for??? Do they not belong in God promise of love and forgiveness??? Is it only a certain type of people in each race that can go to Heaven??? Yes...there IS only ONE type....that ANY of US that have been forgiven and wash in the blood of Christ!!! Sin is sin...it doesnt matter if you think you or your sins belong in a different category or not...the Bible say, For the wages of SIN is death.... It doesnt state any sin in any ranking...just simply sin!!! Sin is in every race, we all sin daily...it wouldnt matter if I was the sweetest person on earth, or what we consider the lowest of the low...sin lives in each of us!! So stop putting sin in a category of skin color, but instead put it in the category of prayer!!! I guarantee your closet was just as full as someone else of a different race...the exception is, you asked for forgiveness...but if you still think your better than anyone else just simply because if your skin color...then you might just need to go ask for forgives again!!!! End of rant!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 16:12:54 +0000

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