I take issue with how he reduced my daughter to a “distressed - TopicsExpress


I take issue with how he reduced my daughter to a “distressed baby” who cost the company too much money. How he blamed the saving of her life for his decision to scale back employee benefits. How he exposed the most searing experience of our lives, one that my husband and I still struggle to discuss with anyone but each other, for no other purpose than an absurd justification for corporate cost-cutting. This poor family-as if they havent gone through enough! Elise was a $1.5 million dollar baby, therefore I take great offense to AOLs CEO for his insensitive comments. So boo to Tim Armstrong for blaming the health care costs of saving a preemies life for benefit cuts! Not. Cool. Man. Ive passionately said it before and Ill say it again, each and every precious life is worth every damn penny spent. These babies deserve a fair chance at life!!! slate/articles/double_x/doublex/2014/02/tim_armstrong_blames_distressed_babies_for_aol_benefit_cuts_he_s_talking.html
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 16:20:10 +0000

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