I talk to so many people everyday that feel they are lacking the - TopicsExpress


I talk to so many people everyday that feel they are lacking the motivation to achieve the goals they are desiring. This is TRUE! However, I spent way to long feeling like I wanted a change before I just got sick enough of wanting and just started. When I first began my stamina was non-existent, my strength was weak, BUT my desire was burning within. Motivation did NOT just strike me in the tush one day. But over a long period of time I had just grown tired of being tired, tired of lacking motivation to do things I once dreamed of, tired of being uncomfortable in my own skin, tired of not feeling like myself, just down right tired of living the life I was living and I knew I needed a change!!! Once I started on my journey, thats when motivation started to set in. I started to live MY life again and on MY terms. After a couple weeks of seeing results and gaining the energy I was needing to continue, thats when motivation started creeping in and thankfully it has kept me going. True, I havent been perfect and I have fallen off the wagon a few times, but getting back on gets easier every time. If you are still wandering around looking for motivation I will give you a hint.... You are gonna find it in the sweat dripping off your body in the beginning of your workouts and in the tears of satisfaction when accomplishing goals you once thought were impossible !!!!!! youtu.be/9iMm5T4_KHo
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 16:03:46 +0000

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