I talked to my class this morning about the power of intention and - TopicsExpress


I talked to my class this morning about the power of intention and its been on my mind all day. There are days that we step onto our mats after racing to get to class, after a long night of restlessness, after a stressful drop-off with our kids, an argument with our spouse and we are reminded to set an intention for the practice. The truth is that there are moments that this is the last thing I want to hear. Intention, yeah right, I have 75 minutes to connect with my breath and move my body and release the tension in my left should, screw my intention, I am screaming inside. Or sometimes, often worse, I just settle in with my usual, safe, very disconnected patterns of intentions that I think someone would want to hear... like releasing or letting go or staying present... they all sound good, right? But what if there is more in there? I think for most of us there is and its usually the stuff we arent willing to face, the stuff that makes us feel ashamed, uncomfortable or just scares the shit out of us. I know, because I have the same ugly stuff surface all of the time and there are days that I just want to push it back down and hide it away because I dont feel strong enough or certain enough that I am ready or able to deal with it. What Ive learned though is that I am always strong enough and there is no time like the present to begin to work it out. Why let that deep, ugly stuff stay stuck? Why permit it space inside to settle and marinate and grow? I know that if I am still breathing then I am strong enough to access that space of intuition where there is no fear, just love. And when I access that Divine space inside of me I know that however ugly that truth or need might be that I have the strength to acknowledge it, and sometimes that acknowledgement is all I need to start down that road of working through it. This certainly doesnt mean that the practice will instantly fix it. This doesnt mean that the problem or issue or ugly stuff just fades away. But somehow that moment of revealing our truth makes the really hard stuff feel more tangible more accessible and less terrifying. That simple act of recognizing that there is space available to breathe into whatever it is that you would rather not reveal takes away some of its power. So, my challenge to all of you is to get real. Let the intention bubble up and let your breath weave through it; let your body feel it... and welcome the shift, the breakthrough, the release. Watch the fear turn to curiosity and then perhaps something else...
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 21:45:32 +0000

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