I tell everyone I talk to where I am that AMERICA needs a closed - TopicsExpress


I tell everyone I talk to where I am that AMERICA needs a closed boarder. I also tell them Obamas polite invitation to the illegals certainly didnt help. I always say..actually I feel safer here than home. But its because our government is so so so WACK!. but why would God send me to the Bundy Ranch...remember....God sent me at 9pm BEFORE the public knew ANYTHING about the ranch to meet the family days before. It was a God thing...I am an American that stands strong with God in America and the constitution and certainly no fan of Obama. Yet God sent me on a mission to the people south of America to TELL them the GOOD NEWS about the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST. I stand with America, my PATRIOT brothers and sisters and in Christ. GOD showed me something very important though. God is calling All nations unto HIMSELF. We can hate what is happening. I DO. I strongly am upset about our boarder situation and what the president is doing...I am praying so much for Israel...... God is calling all nations to be saved. The muslims have a chance too IF and ONLY if they turn away from their devil false GOD and repent and most likely have to be killed to be a Christian. ..but my point is.....hate the devil...hate that people are crossing over and taking our jobs and hurting our economy but LOVE people. JESUS loves All. God soon will crush satan and all these evil Islam terrorists will be defeated by CHRIST. GOD WILL KEEP HIS COVENANT with ISRAEL. GOD BLESS ISRAEL. We all need to get ready cause JESUS is coming SOON. Hate evil. Love people. .and GOD BLESS AMERICA. Forgive us for turning our backs on YOU JESUS. We are so BLESSED as a Nation. We may loose our blessings if we are not thankful and repent as a Nation. May GOD draw All whosoever WILL unto Himself
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 04:29:26 +0000

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