I tell you, money is a hoax by the capitalists’ brains. Politics - TopicsExpress


I tell you, money is a hoax by the capitalists’ brains. Politics is an institutionalized exploitation system by a few perverted brains. Everything, whether it is politics, or the idea of money, or the media…! Media is the biggest hoax. Please listen to this story. There was a lion in a forest and a flock of sheep. Every day one sheep will come and stand in front of this lion, start a conversation, and then the lion will kill that sheep and eat it. Every day, this happens. One day, a fox came to visit the lion to eat the remaining meat. He got his food and he started staying there. After seeing this day in and day out, after a week, the fox really got surprised. He went and asked the lion, ‘How can every day without missing, one sheep comes to you and starts a conversation, spends time with you, and you kill that sheep and eat it? Again, next day, exactly the same time, a sheep comes! What is the secret?’ The lion just laughs and says, ‘It is nothing. One day I called the whole flock of sheep and made them believe they are all lions, hypnotized them they are all lions and very powerful, nothing can be done to them. With that mood, these fools, every day one by one come. I kill them and eat them!’ Please understand, this is exactly the right story I will describe. This is the right example for Press Freedom. Please listen, the media makes you think that because of its freedom you are empowered. It constantly makes you believe its freedom is your freedom, which is not true…..which is not true. The media’s freedom is a freedom of the media owners. It is the freedom of their ideas. It is the freedom of the decision-makers, not yours. How when the lion makes the sheep believe that the sheep are lions, it is not power for the sheep; it is power for the lion! Media makes you constantly believe its freedom is your freedom. When you believe media’s freedom is your freedom, you are exactly in the same space of the sheep! Please listen, you have to become really powerful. Listen, I have changed the whole lion-sheep story here. That context is totally different, this is totally different. There, really lion cub is feeling it is a sheep. Here, sheep is thinking it is a lion. It can become lion if it creates the right space. But here it is not being initiated into the right space. The difference between the political meeting and spiritual satsangh where the Master initiates you is even if you are a sheep he makes you a lion; not just believe you are a lion, he makes you a lion; and he gives you the science of creating the space to become a lion! “Lion” does not mean all the time you will be violent.- PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA (LIVE ON nithyananda.tv, 19 NOV 2O13)
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 03:13:26 +0000

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