I tend to perceive money as a current, a flow, the way blood flows - TopicsExpress


I tend to perceive money as a current, a flow, the way blood flows throughout the human body. Money serves as our social blood flow, enabling us to energetically exchange our gifts with one another at virtually every point of contact where money exists. Just like the human body, we need a social body where even the most remote locations are fed by capillaries, and carry sufficient currency flow to enable the necessary life-enriching transactions to occur. When we tax the energy of human exchange, we are extracting energy from each point of exchange. This would be like our body consuming a little bit of our blood every time it gets used to enable our cells to serve each other. So by the time the blood reaches the furthest social outposts, theres none left to conduct energy. Meanwhile, some of us have created massive personal reservoirs of blood that only we can use for our enjoyment. By doing so were choking off the downstream flow to millions of cells in need of sustenance...yet we convince ourselves we deserve to hoard the social bodys blood because the work we do is so much more important—more valuable—than the work being done by the rest of the social body. The entire theory of trickle down economics was founded on the assumption that certain individuals deserved, by virtue of their superiority, to control the flow of energy within the entire social body. These individuals were granted the power to decide how much blood (money) to release into the larger social body, and how often. We have seen how that strategy failed. Whats lacking in human society today are not dams and reservoirs of money; what were lacking is a HEART. We need a pump system that willingly PUSHES the energetic current of money all through the social body, out of a desire to see it all grow strong and healthy. Only when we PUMP through the ENTIRE social body an ample supply of current can we hope to experience the whole of the social body activating to its highest and fullest potential...which, in the end, enhances the quality of life for the whole body, including ourselves.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 14:31:41 +0000

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