I the topic of anxiety has been coming up for many of the people - TopicsExpress


I the topic of anxiety has been coming up for many of the people in my life, so I have chosen to write about how I think a person can heal this unpleasant mental state. I feel that in order to affectively treat anxiety one must look at the root cause of what is bringing it about. What is causing this anxiety? In my experience, when I am feeling anxious, I am generally a bit too caught up inside my own head. Inside my own EGO if you will. Which is, the structuralized thought processes that we each evolved with to protect us through our history as a species. The EGO’s job has always been to keep us safe. In order for it to do its job, it looks for potential threats that could be out there in the unknown. This has served us well in our past. But, the world is changing in an ever-increasing rate, and the fact of the matter is, we no longer need to be so heavily concerned with our day-to-day survival. We are currently evolving past allowing our EGOs to run the whole show, because they are no longer serving us as they once did, and are fact, stunting our growth as a species. Generally when a person is feeding their EGO their energy of personal focus, and allowing it to run amok, the EGO, which no longer has any potential threats in the current moment, will project itself into the future to find things that could potentially go wrong that they might need to be prepared for. This results in a state of what we call anxiety. The time has come for us to collectively put our EGOs on a shorter leash, for the better of ourselves, and the better of the world around us. Anxiety is a disempowering and harmful state of mind to be in for more than one reason. One reason is because when a person is allowing him or herself to be in a state of anxiety they are misusing their natural creative abilities to mentally manifest, and therefore bring closer to reality an unpleasant future situation that has not happened yet, but could happen. We call this a self-fulfilling prophecy. Another reason is because it takes you away from the present moment, which is really where your personal power lies. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something, and you can do something…NOW. It is always a choice. Also, it should be noted that when a person is in the present moment in a loving, calm and grounded state, they themselves empower others do the same by way of example. We call this resonation. It his has a butterfly effect of positivity that can reverberate around the planet. We are empathic beings who resonate with those who we are around. So, it feels good to be resonating around someone who is present in the moment. Just like it is unpleasant to be around a person who is exhibiting anxious behavior. So, how can a person cope with, and treat their anxiety? When a person is concentrating on their breath, it helps bring their focus out of their egoic mind, and back towards the present moment. Obviously, exercise and treating your body well will bring about a greater sense of physical wellness, which will lead a person to be more inclined to be in their body. When a person feels well, they are also more inclined to be less resistant of the present moment. A helpful technique that I was recently given to assist me in relinquishing some of the control that my ego has over my behavior, is to speak my thoughts out loud, vocally. The reason I think this is a help technique is because when I am having thoughts that I would consider to be negative, speaking them out loud helps me realize how ridiculous and untrue some of them are. This leads me to the realization that these are not really my thoughts at all. They are thought patterns of others that I have subconsciously taken on as my own by force of habit. These disempowering thoughts are my EGO’s attempts to regain control over my behavior by coaxing me to choose to focus on them, and more importantly, believe them to be true. This type of unconscious behavior continues to feed the circular rat race of thought that my EGO loves to play in. A Jamaican spiritual teacher named, Mooji, posted another technique I found recently. It is a very simple technique to help bring a person back to the present moment. So, this paired with breathing deeply can be helpful in treating anxiety as well. I hope some of you find this information useful. Love and blessings, ~Alex https://youtube/watch?v=rCDrBbciDvY
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 09:14:29 +0000

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