I think Georgia and conservatives scored major wins in the bill - TopicsExpress


I think Georgia and conservatives scored major wins in the bill that passed last night, and I supported it. For years, weve battled the Obama Administration on many fronts. Every few months, a new crisis, scandal or outrage overtakes the national conversation. I know that people are sick of all the talk. You want action. By passing this bill, we are taking concrete action on a long list of major issues. We are finally securing wins on Obamacare, the IRS scandal, the VA crisis, EPA overreach, Benghazi, privacy rights, Common Core, Second Amendment rights, the sanctity of life and many other issues that deeply concern my constituents. The bill certainly isn’t perfect, and it doesn’t solve every problem, but there’s a reason why House Democrats said they were being taken to the cleaners. I also supported an amendment that sought to block executive amnesty. While it was not approved, I believe our incoming House and Senate majorities will be in a strong position to stop the president. Under this bill, funding for immigration-related agencies expires in February, but the rest of the government is funded through September. That means the president will not be able to hide behind the threat of a shutdown. He will not be able to scare America’s seniors over social security or threaten our veterans’ health benefits. The president will be left to defend his executive amnesty alone, and I believe we will win. Some highlights from the bill: - The IRS budget is cut by $345 million, putting the agency below its Fiscal Year 2008 budget level. That means the IRS has been cut by over $1.2 billion since Fiscal Year 2010. - $41 million in VA performance bonuses are rescinded and efforts to end the disability claims backlog are strengthened. VA medical staffs and facilities are expanded. - EPA funding is cut by $60 million, making it a 21% budget cut since Fiscal Year 2010. The EPA’s staffing level will be at its lowest level since 1989. - The EPA is prohibited from regulating the lead content in ammunition or fishing tackle. - Livestock producers are exempt from EPA greenhouse gas regulations, thwarting the agency’s effort to regulate livestock flatulence. - The Army Corps of Engineers is prohibited from regulating farm ponds and irrigation ditches. - Funding is prohibited for acquiring, storing or monitoring electronic communications of a US citizen from a public service provider under section 501 of FISA. - Aid to Libya is prohibited until the U.S. Secretary of State confirms that the Libyans are cooperating in the Benghazi investigation. - Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board, sometimes referred to as the death panel,” is cut by $10 million. - Obamacare’s Risk Corridor program is prohibited from receiving a taxpayer bailout. - All existing pro-life protections are extended, with new protections included in the bill such as requiring the Office of Civil Rights to respond to claims of violations of conscience protections. - Funding for any future Fast and Furious type activity is prohibited. - The UN Arms Trade Treaty cannot be funded or implemented. - There is no funding for the International Monetary Fund (IMF). - Eliminates Race To The Top, a main driver of Common Core. - The Administration’s school lunch regulations are relaxed. - ACORN and its subsidiaries are prohibited from receiving federal funds.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 14:35:13 +0000

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