I think I finally totally understood a lesson my dad has taught me - TopicsExpress


I think I finally totally understood a lesson my dad has taught me through his actions and way of life. The importance of giving to those in need, even if you dont have much yourself. When your life blesses you with abundance or even a little more than you need, you dont hoard it or use your money to gain more things for yourself. I honestly have no need for anything tangible at this point in my life. I have a home I love, wonderful and amazing friends and family, my hobbies-photography, reading, games, etc. We have an amazing life. Heather asked me last night if there was anything I wanted for Christmas. Honestly, I couldnt think of anything. Nothing. She asked if I was sure and I sat and thought about it for a few minutes and all I could think of was maybe some new underwear-Comic Book themed of course. Id rather us use what extra we have for those who have nothing or need some help. William is getting one practical gift to open on Christmas and one small silly thing. Heathers gift Im getting after the Holidays. None of us are upset about this at all. It would be tragic if we woke up Christmas morning and ignored all we currently have because didnt get something shiny and new. I dunno. Maybe this whole Spirit of Christmas/The Holidays is getting to this old man, but I recall cutting mold off of bread to make William a sandwich the night before we had to leave our apartment almost 10 years now. I remember being alone and feeling lost, a victim of my own poor choices and priorities. My days of going on just for one more fix arent as far away as the calendar may say. Yet, I made it where I am now, and I will never say I did it on my own. The urge and desire to do what I had to come from me, it has to or it wont work, but I had support, love, and care from my network of people I love and who, although they had to distance themselves for me for their own well being, didnt give up an me and wanted the man I could be to show up again. The funny guy who would make bad jokes and theyd laugh in spite of themselves. The man who was always ready to give a kind and reassuring word. The person I was meant to be. There are thousands, millions, of people in America and across the world who are where I was 10 years ago, and I believe they all have gifts and talents to share with Society to make it a better place. Not all answers work for every instance, but care and compassion without pity or judgement is a great way to start. I may lose some grumpy old man cred, but oh well, Facebook asked what was on my mind.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 19:55:36 +0000

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