I think I have had a political epiphany, or at least a good idea. - TopicsExpress


I think I have had a political epiphany, or at least a good idea. It came to me as I saw that legislation was being introduced to impeach Obama. (Much as I would like to see that happen, this legislation has no chance at ever passing). This is a far-too-common example of one party trying to embarrass the other, and as a voter, I deserve better than that. I work hard for my money and I dont like spending it on salaries for people who expend this much energy trying to embarrass their opponents. Thus, my idea - which tracks what they do (or at least have mechanisms in place to do) to lawyers who file frivolous lawsuits. We create a five member judicial committee. They are appointed for life like federal judges, to keep them insensitive to political whims, but they can be tossed out if they dont get a majority vote of confidence in each 4 year election cycle, as this probably means they are not doing their jobs properly. Here is there job. They monitor legislation. Each time something is filed that has no chance of passage, or something they think might be frivolous legislation with no chance of passage, they perfer charges against the sponsor. They examine everything and take a vote. If the sponsor is found guilty of filing frivolous legislation, it is publicly announced. Any elected official that is found guilty of doing this on three occasions, automatically becomes ineligible to run for their office again. Now, I admit that I have not perfected this idea yet, and their will need to be some tweaking done. But, the thought is there. Lets enact a system that forces politicians to get along and quit wasting our money trying to embarrass each other. Most people, like me, have simply resorted to term limiting our politicians via our votes. This would seem, however, to throw out the good ones - if those exist! Just a thought to ponder.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:55:25 +0000

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